Are homosexuals born that way? The March 15 Watchtower seems to say so.

by matt2414 76 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • steve2

    Bella15, you sound so sweet and well-meaning.

    I'm gay and in a long term civil union with a man I love dearly and am faithful to. We are in a committed, loyal relationship. Do you recommend I stop living with him and "pray away the urges"? I would find it absolutely devastating to end my committed relationship with him. He is my world, my soulmate and my heart's desire. If you do recommend I end my relationship, I would see you as someone who takes it upon herself to break up committed relationships in the name of religion. As I said, you sound sweet and well-meaning, but a closer look shows you to be anything but...

  • clarity

    Ok here is a video re: how parents react when Johnny &

    Bobby explore ..... I didn't know what to expect

    but it is quite hilarious, although some may not

    experience it that way!


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Bella15...why? ''you have to pray away those urges'' ...

    Why do gay people have to do that?


  • wasblind

    Why do gay people have to do that?


    So they can force themselves to fit the " mold " of someone elses expectations

    There are quite a few posters on this board that can't except diversity

    Very judgemental , not only if your Gay, but if you don't meet any of " Thier " standards period



  • WTWizard

    If they are admitting that gay people are born that way, they had better start deleting homosexuality as a disfellowshipping offense. That would amount to disfellowshipping people because they are black, or because they speak Spanish because they were born into Spanish speaking households and had Spanish heritage, or because of some other condition that they were born with. Last time I checked, homosexuals as a group are not people that are parasites trying to enslave the world--so why are they treated as if they were by this religion?

    Not to mention, they can't make up their mind. Gay people are gay for a variety of reasons, and the washtowel seems to be undecided about which it is. What if it is all of the above--some are gay because of biological reasons and others for psychological? And, as they are not harmful parasites in society (except those imposing homosexuality on people that do not want it or that abuse children in an attempt to ruin their lives--especially pedophiles that set out to ruin lives), why are they being bashed? Yet, the washtowel is full of pedophiles--including those who are not merely sexually attracted to children but who wish to ruin the children's lives (which is the worst kind and deserve to be tortured in the way they seek to torture children). Yet, the washtowel never speculates about that?

  • GromitSK

    I think you can be homosexual but you should not have a relationship with someone of the same have to pray away those urges ...

    Yeah thanks.

  • Satanus

    Yah, and they also denied that homosexuality exists. The wt is talking out both sides of its collective mouth. Or, they bent the rules a little bit to be able to tell a nice story.


  • Phizzy

    That article is still selling the idea that there is something intrinsically wrong with being gay, and you must fight against it. So ignorant in so many ways.

    The New Testament does not condemn being gay or even gay relationships with shock horror, a loving sexual aspect. It says not a word on it if you look at the usage of the original words and not some homophobic translation.

    So where is the idea that Jesus or god is against it coming from ? Ignorant bigots like the WT, and, sadly, some posters on here.

  • Heartofaboy

    I was advised to marry too by a well meaning elder when I 'confessed' to being gay.

    Poor girl she was so looking forward to her wedding night.............

    I was dreading it..........

    I knew there was nothing she had that I wanted to see or touch....

    I had the courage to call the wedding off thank goodness.

    Worst time of my life.

    Now I have a boyfriend & I feel my life has validity. I am no longer trying to be the person non gay folks think I should be.

  • Tiktaalik

    Who cares what the watchtower says about homosexuality. They have zero credibility on this issue.

    Gay people are the way they are in the same way that straight people are who they are.

    Seriously, who cares? I have never understood why people get so worked up by who other adults choose to love and share intimacy with. Why do some people presume they have the right (Bella - I'm looking at you) to tell others how they should live their lives??

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