Daniel was confused.

by transhuman68 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • transhuman68

    I did some research after reading this thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/bible/246165/1/Using-Microsoft-Excel-to-disprove-Watchtower-Theology-Authority

    and realized there have been some flip-flops in the Watchtower's interpretation of Daniel's prophecy.

    Here is the interpretation from 'Pay attention to Daniel's prophecy' (1999) pg.301:


    Seven times (2,520 years): Daniel 4:16, 25 October 607 B.C.E. to October 1914 C.E. (Messianic Kingdom established. See Chapter 6 of this book.)

    Three and a half times (1,260 days): Daniel 7:25; 12:7 December 1914 to June 1918 (Anointed Christians harassed. See Chapter 9 of this book.)

    2,300 evenings and mornings: Daniel 8:14 June 1 or 15, 1938, to October 8 or 22, 1944
    ("Great crowd" emerge, multiply. See Chapter 10 of this book.)

    70 weeks (490 years): Daniel 9:24-27 455 B.C.E. to 36 C.E. (Messiah's coming and his earthly ministry. See Chapter 11 of this book.)

    1,290 days: Daniel 12:11 January 1919 to September 1922 (Anointed Christians awaken and progress spiritually.)

    1,335 days: Daniel 12:12 September 1922 to May 1926 (Anointed Christians attain a happy state.)

    And here is an earlier interpretation:

    From 'Your Will Be Done On Earth (1958) pg. 371:

    "SEVEN TIMES" or "the appointed times of the nations" (Daniel 4:16, 23, 25, RS; Luke 21:24): Began in 7th lunar month (Ethanim-September-October), 607 B.C.
    Ended in 7th lunar month (September-October), A.D. 1914
    "TIMES, TWO TIMES, AND HALF A TIME" (Daniel 7:25; 12:7, RS):
    Began in first half of November, 1914
    Ended May 7, 1918, at arrest of Watch Tower Society's officers and companions
    (Compare the 42 months of Revelation 11:2.)
    Began the end of January, 1919
    Ended the first half of September, 1922, at the second Cedar Point (Ohio) convention
    Began the first half of September, 1922, at the second Cedar Point (Ohio) convention
    Ended in the month of May, 1926, at the London (England) International Convention
    Began in the month of May, 1926, at the London (England) International Convention (May 25-31) Ended on October 15, 1932, with the official publication of notice in The Watchtower

    These are two contradictory versions, and it is just a hopeless shambles, which leads one to the possibility that Daniel wasn't actually referring to the JW's in the first half of the 20th century at all...

  • Pterist

    Marked thanks

  • transhuman68

    I have both books, so I scanned them in, and converted to text. The most laughable discrepancy is Daniel 8:14 (2,300 evenings and mornings). Did they begin in 1926 and end in 1932... or was it 1938 to 1944? Why didn't Daniel write in the dates to end this confusion?

  • Pterist

    *** Why didn't Daniel write in the dates to end this confusion?****

    What ever the reason, I believe Daniel's book has been fulfilled since the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD ! From a partial preterism perspective !

    The storey continues in Revelation where the early church are persecuted and killed by the Roman empire and are resurrected to glory as the first fruits enrolled in the heavens, sometime after 70 AD. Rev 7, 14, 20:1-6

    Shalom friend !

  • QC

    2520 years is a total scam. Judea's desolation began in 587 BC, not 607BC. Get up to speed download Gentile Times Reconsidered.

  • Ding

    The idea that Daniel was prophesying about Watchtower conventions in Cedar Point, Ohio is completely ludicrous.

    It reminds me of the claim in The Finished Mystery (1918 WT book) that a particular number in Revelation represented the distance from Scranton, Pennsylvania to WT headquarters in New York by way of the Hoboken ferry...

  • Gopher

    Since Jehovah is speaking through the Watchtower Society, Jehovah was obviously confused when he was the source of information for the wacky "Your Will Be Done on Earth" book in 1958!! Jehovah cannot make up his mind what to communicate to his people.

    But apparently large changes in doctrinal direction and interpretation are GOOD - and are proof of Jehovah's guidance. Don't you remember the chariot of Ezekiel, which obviously pictures Jehovah's organization - and how it kept changing directions. If you don't keep up with Jehovah and all his changes, as revealed through his earthly organization, it's your own damn fault!

  • transhuman68

    Pterist: What ever the reason, I believe Daniel's book has been fulfilled since the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD !

    You have more chance of being right than the Watchtower ever has!

    QC: 2520 years is a total scam. Judea's desolation began in 587 BC, not 607BC.

    Yes, that makes Watchtower's mistakes even funnier!

    Ding: The idea that Daniel was prophesying about Watchtower conventions in Cedar Point, Ohio is completely ludicrous.

    Probably a lot of Witnesses would agree with you, if they actually thought about it.

    Gopher: But apparently large changes in doctrinal direction and interpretation are GOOD - and are proof of Jehovah's guidance.

    Or proof that this religion is very silly.

  • Londo111

    Begin Date + X days + Having absolute authority as God’s sole spirit-directed channel = Any result we tell you!

  • Londo111

    JW.ORG does not have the Daniel or Revelation book—and of course, the magazines only go back to 2000—and after reading the Memorial talk outline, I am wondering if the Society is going to drop 1914 this year or next as to Jesus’ Parousia, opting for a traditional futurist view, perhaps along with a rapture for the “anointed”.

    Along with it, I wonder if many of these other interpretations will simply be quietly put to rest.

    Yet they still need to cling to 1919 somehow…

    But maybe they consciously realize: If we teach it, they will swallow it. If they don’t, off with their heads!

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