Has a wrong disfellowshipping ever been reversed?

by lostnotfound 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AnneB

    I, too, wondered why there was no apology. The sister had the notion that it was a refining process and since it was permitted by Jehovah there was nothing to apologize for. I think she actually believed it. I sure didn't.

  • flipper

    LOSTNOTFOUND- In all my 44 years when I was a JW I never once saw an " apology " to a person whose DFing was overturned. Including myself.

    00DAD is correct that my situation was totally botched by the judicial committee attacking me. Long story short is 3 years after stopping attending meetings I was dating my current wife mrs. Flipper in 2006 after I faded and was inactive. I was scripturally free to remarry and 1 month before we got married my crazy JW ex-wife drove up 80 miles out of the way with her husband and my youngest teenage daughter on a Saturday morning to see if I was sleeping with my fiance. No evidence whatsoever , I answered the door fully clothed as I was taking my fiance to get tires on her car.

    My ex-wife called my JW parents and siblings claiming I was living with Mrs. Flipper. We denied it but my ex-wife didn't stop at that. She then got the elders involved, they started calling us constantly even after we were married and then harassed us sending a certified letter that I meet with them for a judicial committee meeting concerning alleged " circumstancial fornication ". I denied the charges totally. This still didn't stop them. After 6 months of this crap the elders drove to our house 80 miles one way to tell me that because I didn't meet with them at the JC they DFed me in absentia. Substance of charges ? " Circumstancial fornication " in their words. I denied it and appealed the decision writing them an aggressive 7 page appeal letter and sent them a letter from an attorney threatening them with a lawsuit for slander and defamation of character if they announced me as DFed without evidence.

    So they formed a JC appeal meeting with 6 elders and my son went as a Witness with me to back up my denial of the charges. The elders sent me out of the room, called me back in and said they couldn't decide what to do. So they sent a letter to Bethel legal and 1 whole month went by then the JC appeal chairman called me up and said " instructions from Bethel told us to rescind your DFing. Your DFing is overturned. " I told him, " it took you 9 months to figure this out ? " They said, " We encourage you to start attending meetings where you live. " I said, " No thanks. You really stumbled me and hurt me deeply with this treatment I don't think so, goodbye. " So they left me alone after that.

    I feel that Bethel legal told them to leave me alone because - they had no evidence whatsoever of my " circumstancial fornication " and I had sent them a letter threatening a lawsuit. So Bethel said to overturn it. But I never had ANY apology for dragging me through the mire of suspect and suspicion for 9 months . I had to go on a form of blood pressure medicine I was so stressed out from it. believe me, WT leaders are Nazis and their appointed elders are nothing but Nazi followers. It's disgusting. I'm glad they haven't bothered me since

  • 00DAD

    Flipper, thank you for sharing your story with lostnotfound. I'm sure that it will mean a lot to them.

    LNF, as a newbie here there's no way you'd know this, but that's like the bazillionth time Mr. Flipper has told his story here. And I'm sure it won't be the last.

    I think it's important you know that every time he tells it, he types it out fresh. This isn't some "copy and paste" tirade. This is the real deal. I know. I've been here for two years now and I've read Flipper's account countless times. He always tells it fresh. I've talked to him on the phone I don't know how many times. This man is the real deal.

    Mr. Flipper has become a good friend of mine and many others here on JWN. He is always willing to do whatever it takes to help someone struggling to find their way out of this mess. When he tells you what he's gone through, he is only telling you for one reason: He knows your struggle is similar and he wants you to know you're not alone.

    The organization we once thought represented God and Jesus are nothing but frauds. This is a profoundly mind-shaking revelation.

    You will need time to process this. But you can get through it just as we have.


  • cptkirk

    I totally agree that they are nazi's in one very very specific area. when the war was over and they had those trials , so many of them said what? "we were just taking orders". more passive aggressive bullshit that they can relinquish any responsibility for on the basis of "just taking orders". i can see exactly what happened flipper, they are so damned passive aggressive, rather then just say "hey this is out of our hands and its not our business" etc. they had to track you down like a dog , why? because of the passive aggressive hatred that they walk this earth carrying, waiting always to point at a new target. why is that passive aggressive? because the truth is they are motivated by hate, they themselves are so pathological they aren't even aware of it, but what they really want to do is come pull you out of your house and stone you old style. they know they can't get away with that so they couch their intentions within all this judicial bullshit, passive aggressive. you must "hate" what is bad. ohhh you don't hate the person though....lol yea right, that was evident, don't think so.

    in their minds, they are thinking "ohhhhh he is doing what? ohhhhhh and he is HIDING FROM US, ME SMELL BLOOD YUMMMMM BLOOODD" some think it's a joke or i'm being stupid, but it is 100% dead on for anyone that really knows. if they smell fear in you, it makes it 100% worse, it really gets their blood craze going. if you said that to one of them though what do you think they would say? they would be absolutely 100% clueless as to what is going on in their own mind, or they would be 100% absolute in denial and telling you that you are crazy for suggesting anything like that. they thought you were hiding from them and it escalated their blood craze, guaranteed. it's endemic. it's porn for elders. that is what happens when you are so sexually repressed you turn into a bloodthirsty maniac. that is why they tell the fighters not to have sex when they are training.

  • cptkirk

    check out the old lady in this scene, this is basically what is going on in all elder's minds 24/7, except they are actually dangerous.



    They are never wrong...therefore apologies aren't necessary . It's a Holy Spirit thing you know, we wouldnt understand.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    It was when I realised holy spirit would not have a part in the appointment of a (known by me and another elder and his family) corrupt, lying, cheating elder I started to realise it could either be a) fooled or b) didn't exist!

  • ScenicViewer

    I know of one DF'ing that was reversed in the 1970s.

    An announcement was made that Brother _______ has been disfellowshipped. (that's the way it was said then)

    The announcement was aparrently made too early, not allowing for his appeal, because 2 weeks later it was announced that "the DF'ing of Brother ______ has been rescinded."

    I'm not sure what the details were, but I believe it had to do with financial dealings because he was an accountant, and a relative who worked with him in his business was also DF'd; the relative was somewhat of a scam artist, always had some kind of a get-rich-quick scheme going.

    The relative's DF'ing stuck.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I knew of one that was rescinded. The brother admited to an affair before he was baptized. The brothers didn't like his attitude about it. He was df'd. He appealed and it was rescinded. Also, the brothers had already announced his disfellowshipping so they had to make the announcement

  • Jim_TX

    I've mentioned this one before... in the early to mid 70's, there was a fella and his wife that went to a small podunk town kingdom hall. The elders there, well, I don't know the back-story, or what went on behind the scenes.

    Both the man and his claimed to be of the 'annointed'. The elders in the kingdom hall df'ed... well, it's baan a long time ago, and I don't know if they both got df'ed or just the husband. Let's say it was just the husband. He appealed to Brooklyn.

    About a month after the df'ing announcement came an announcement that he was 'exonerated'. Not re-instated, but exonerated.

    Also, there was a rumor going 'round that Brooklyn was sending some sort of special people to investigate the goings-on in that kingdom hall.

    Since I was not personally going to that kingdom hall, or involved, I do not know how much of this is true, or tongue-wagging gossip.


    Jim TX

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