Why did you pick the name you have now

by label licker 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tater-T

    my name is Tate.... and well you can imagine having a name that is so easy to create rhymes and what not...

    so it's short for Tater-T-Bug.. which a friend coined since, I didn't like being called taterbug, when I was young....

    you can call me tate tater or tbug ... just don't call me late fer dinner LOL

    Oh, and Pam's girl your avatar is soo hot!

  • NVR2L8

    Never too late...NVR2L8...to break free from the cult...figured it out in my mid fifties. ..

  • rubadubdub

    When I walked away 18 months ago after 42 years in, my dog was still in full puppy mode and was obsessed with digging in the dirt. Daily tub baths became a given and seemed analogous to what was going on with me at the time. Lots of digging in WT dirt and the need to scrub it all away. Dub being an obvious reference to J Dub ya seemed fitting, and then there's that nursery rhyme-- Rubadubdub, three men in a tub that came to mind. I carried my name over from the Yuku forum where I first began posting. You can see my dog's photo there. She's my avatar, and I change her photo to match the seasons. In summer she's a sailor, as am I. You can read my story there too if you like. I'm known as Mrs. Rubbity or just plain Rubbity over there.

    Thanks for the topic Unky Punky!

  • Heath N
    Heath N

    The name I chose symbolizes a boggy, wet marsh, that when one walks through feels trapped

    and mired and can not get out. I was a born-in 3rd generation and moved from family at 23 years

    old to Northern Virginia. So now at 76 years old I still feel the negative effects of this religious

    upbringing. So, for comic effect, the letter "n" can indicate "heathen".........just kidding now.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Because I Love this movie...

    And thats how I felt when I first left. It all happened so fast I felt like I was in a Daze but I wasn't confused with what I had to do.

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    Never a JW. Turned atheist at 13 or 14. Remain so until now, 34 years later. Now, after learning everything I have learned about JW's, the Bible and religion in general, I am a full blown staunch atheist. Never a JW before, never will. Rutherford was right. Religion is a snare and a racket.

  • HymieAli

    First and last name.

    I never claimed to be clever!

  • on the rocks
    on the rocks

    I was drinking when I created this profile!!!

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Tate...lets talk

  • AudeSapere

    Mine is part of a Latin Phrase: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself.


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