My Husband Said "Victims Of Pedophiles Come Forward Soon, Not Fifteen Or Thirty Years Later!" Right?

by AuntConnie 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • happy@last

    After being badly upset by the behaviour of a couple of witnesses I spoke to an elder's wife and she replied "the fact they are Jehovah's Witnesses means Jehovah sees something worth saving in them so we should too".

    This makes my blood boil! So a pedo is worth saving, but a victim/survivor who's life/head is screwed up by them is not and should be shunned?

    And to answer the original question, it can take years and years for someone to come forward, it could be because they were too frightened, too ashamed, not mentally ready to face it, any number of reasons. The authorities view it the same whether the survivor suffered yesterday or years ago.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I had stopped going to meetings so that I didn't need to see them but that put me in the wrong, not them!

  • unstopableravens

    after reading aunties post, im really wondering how anyone can justify wanting to legalize pot,ppl have enough issues without drugs being legal,not saying auntie is on drugs rather ppl dont need any other negative influance, beyond there own problems

  • mrsjones5

    " after reading aunties post, im really wondering how anyone can justify wanting to legalize pot,ppl have enough issues without drugs being legal,not saying auntie is on drugs rather ppl dont need any other negative influance, beyond there own problems"

    Totally different issue. Make a new topic and we'll enlighten you about the horrors of chronic pain that isnt helped by prescription drugs.

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    When an elder in the KH befriends and puts repeatedly his arm lovingly around young boys not his children instead of his wife . . . bells and whistles should ring.

  • blondie

    I always wonder where jws get the facts from...certainly the WTS is not an expert in the psychology of pedophiles and their victims and have to go to non-jw sources. The WTS cherrypicks "experts" ones that support their conclusions. These false ideas crop up in non-jw statements.

    She seduced him--said by a older female jw about her then 17 year old niece who abuse started when she was 9...gotta watch sleazy 9 year olds.

  • perfect1

    Aunt Connie you are a real freak.

    Too bad EVERYONE around you has only a 6th grade education.

    The sixth grade is the sixth school year after kindergarten. Students are usually 11–12 years of age.

    There is no clear consensus across the United States on whether to include sixth grade as the last year in elementary school, or as the first year of middle school. This can even be seen at the local level, where adjacent districts can differ on what level sixth grade occupies. [citation needed]

    Students usually have different teachers for each subject, normally with 5-6 subjects which should include social studies, math, science, reading, and writing. Sometimes reading and writing are combined to form language arts. Sixth graders often have lockers in the United States.

  • cobaltcupcake

    JuanViejo - I could hug you.

    As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse I can testify to the fact that children can't even process what happened to them or muster the vocabulary to report it. Add to that the fact that the pedophile will use some form of coercion to prevent the child from reporting it. Either he will present it as a loving act or he will threaten the child with some horrible punishment.

    That's why it doesn't get reported right away.

  • jgnat

    Who is fooling who, AuntConnie? This won't be your last post.

    On the off chance that you are for real, how in the heck can a bunch of strangers make sense of your husband's head? I am much more interested in why you believe him half the time.

  • Vidiot
    AuntConnie - "please tell me why he would say this"

    He says this because the alternative is too awful for him to contemplate.

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