How Modern Christianity has failed Christians

by Christ Alone 277 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mrsjones5

    “In choosing your god, you choose your way of looking at the universe. There are plenty of Gods. Choose yours. The god you worship is the god you deserve."

    Excerpt From: Campbell, Joseph. “A Joseph Campbell Companion: Reflections on the Art of Living.” Joseph Campbell Foundation, 2011-08-01. iBooks.

  • tec

    tec, it's a wacky road when one tries to mix science with faith. I reserve the divine for the inexpressible part of my soul. I don't use it to pick my socks in the morning, or to repair my alarm clock.

    ...or logic with faith.

    I would have to say that this would depened upon the individual and upon what they put their faith IN.

    Regardless, if that is what it is for you and if that is what you do, then so be it. No problem. That is you.

    But that is not me. That is not my faith.



  • jgnat

    And, so, tec, the antagonism with people of reason will continue. Your evidence, your truth is not theirs. Good luck fixing your alarm clock by prayer alone.

  • tec

    Good luck fixing your alarm clock by prayer alone.

    Where does something like this even come from?

    I have no antagonism toward anyone. I am not in the least bit anti-science. I love science. I love the possibilities that science opens up and helps us to see.



  • designs

    jgnat- Joseph Campbell except to much existential stuff before bedtime and the metaphysics keep you up all night.

  • EntirelyPossible

    So the difference is that you knew what was best... you just wanted to do something else.

    So the difference I know (or can figure out) what to do, but you need someone to tell me? You could just call me and ask...

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    I just had a revelation, dd has brain damage, the only way he can know the truth is by asking me. Dd, can you proove you dont havebbrain damage? Dont think so! Ergo i win, and there is no god


    When I asked the question about logic, people reacted as if I doubted the existence of logic. OK, just for the record I don’t doubt logics exists, and never did. I’m asking the philosophical question, about HOW you KNOW logic exists. When I asked the question about proving it exists, everyone jump on me giving me examples of how it was applied. Logic has no mass or energy, yet, we all assume it’s there, but, no thought as to where it came from. Did logic exist before the big bang?

    Jgnat said:

    Though we've worked out that an atom can be found and exists apart from Christ. A Christian or an Athiest scientist can both find the atom. We can build rocket ships, discover new particles, come up with new fuels, decode the genome, and fly a rocket to the moon, all without Christ. It hasn't fallen down as you claim it should. This also is the truth.

    Well, not so fast. You haven’t accounted for logic apart from Christ. You may have used logic without acknowledging him, everyone can use or apply it. How do we account for logic?

  • EntirelyPossible

    Well, not so fast. You haven’t accounted for logic apart from Christ.

    If a=b and b=c, then a=c.

    There is logic, no Jesus involved.

  • jgnat

    I know where you are going with this, Deputy Dog. You are offering that at some point we have to go back to creation. That God created all beings, minds, and therefore, logic as well. You'll first have to prove that all creation had to have a creator.

    Logic works from beginning to end without taking a bow to divine interference. Rocket fuel ignites without divine interference.

    Standard deviation

    Now, on the other hand, when I am in a meditative, prayerful state, observing, marvelling at nature, the sky, or whatever broad horizon I am contemplating, logic is a collossal failure.

    Mount Stearn

    Use the right tool for the job at hand.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    I know where you are going with this, Deputy Dog. You are offering that at some point we have to go back to creation. That God created all beings, minds, and therefore, logic as well. You'll first have to prove that all creation had to have a creator.

    Actually, that's not quite accurate. Yes, I account for logic as being created by Christ, you may not like it or agree, but, how does the atheist account for it? From what I've seen on this thread atheist don't account for it at all.

    Logic works from beginning to end without taking a bow to divine interference. Rocket fuel ignites without divine interference.

    That's not in question here.

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