Westboro Baptists to Picket Sandy Hook - This is why I hate religion

by cantleave 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • cantleave

    Yes I did Unstop, and please let me make it clear I do not lump you in with idiots like Perry and the w4nk3rs from the Westboro Baptists! I would gladly discuss our differences of opinion over a few few beers with you down the pub.......whereas I wouldn't give the time of day to fundalmentalist who spout poison in the name of god.

  • unstopableravens

    i need a beer. or two

  • cantleave

    Make mine a pint of Bishops Finger!

  • cantleave

    Bishops's Finger reminds how much I miss Wobble on here - if you read this have a great xmas mate!

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    I might get some flack saying this, but if someone were to gun down Fred Phelps and his flock at this event, I wouldnt lose any sleep over it. Planet would be better off without him and his.

  • unstopableravens

    i think roman 1: is claer there are ppl who do bad and also those who are ok with the bad.

  • cantleave

    TS - I vcertainly would not feel the same way I am about these poor innocent children and their families. One of the kids killed was born in and until 2 years ago living a few miles away from me, in Eastleigh in the UK. It brings home how small a world we live in.

  • trillaz

    How does the gay community and pro-choice feel about Westboro? It would seem they have a pro-gay, pro-choice agenda against fundamentalist type of religious sects by making vile protests. They want the observer to hate the fundamentalists.

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    They're professional trolls; don't let their behavior upset you too much.

  • cedars

    They're just after publicity, pure and simple - no matter what the religious background of someone who's died.

    Pathetic sickos.


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