If you use two spaces between sentences . . .

by compound complex 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    Some of our writers do the above. Is it automatic formatting on your computer or do you do it deliberately? I am interested in the whys and wherefores of how you write. My brief paragraph demonstrates the look I am querying. Interestingly, typographers have a decided point of view on this style; its use relates to the old manual typewriters.


    CoCo Spaces Out

  • Ding

    My computer does it automatically.

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    It's a habit I picked up when learning to type in high school back in the late 60's.

  • Hortensia

    I learned it in typing class, too, 40-some years ago. But editors now don't like it, and prefer one space after a period. I like the look of two spaces better, but I'm not going to argue with editors.

  • Heaven

    Hi CoCo... this is how we were taught to type in high school.

  • 00DAD

    That is a hold over from manual typesetting. There is no need to do that with modern word processing software. None.

  • Knowsnothing

    I use it. It was how I was taught in middle school typing class. Let's test the difference.

    With 1 space. 1. 1. 1. 1.

    With 2 spaces. 1. 1. 1. 1.

    I like 2 spaces better.

  • tec

    I use two spaces. It is what I was taught in high school, so it just comes automatically to me. Sometimes, if i don't like the way my paragraph lines up (yes, I have this strange fetish of my paragraphs looking pretty in their alignment, and most of the time I have to ignore it, lol), then I will go back and take the extra space out.

    Peace to you CoCo,


  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Sometimes I use several spaces between paragraphs to make sure that a break in thought or point occured. Sometimes one space doesn't do it for me. It's more of a OCD thing, I suppose. I've also been accused of overusing paragraphs. But sometimes if I want a specific point to stand alone, I limit myself to a very short paragraph.

    That's the way I roll.

    And that's how I like it.

    (edit) uh....I didn't read the topic closely enough....never mind. So...I use 1 space after a sentence. Interestingly, this was the way I was taught in highschool...

    I also overuse elipses...

  • Chariklo

    I don't use two spaces between sentences but I do use them between lines down. In actual fact, on this forum that can result in too big a space and I often have to back up again!

    It's all for a cleaner look and a cleaner read, I think, but with me it's as close to automatic as can be, really.

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