Why don't Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate Thanksgiving?

by God_Delusion 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dreamgolfer

    if you take the time, you will find that Thanksgiving was instituted by Roosevelt after WW2, to spur on economic growth- IT was a USA SECULAR Holiday, never Religious - but the WT wont tell you that,

    Same Holiday as 4th of July, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Labor Day, etc.

    Plus Martha Stewart has made it a Gastronomical Extravaganza! and Familys use it now to gaver in fellowship.

    I love the Parades! what a nice rendition of Once's Great song "Falling Slowly" was on NBC this morning- I got tingly! or Chicken Skin as we say in Hawaii

    love the food!

    Bless you MArtha (OXOXO)

  • james_woods

    It does not have any pagan roots - I challenge anybody to prove that it does.

  • Ding

    Because the GB exercises control by fostering an us v. them mindset.

  • featherimiss

    I don't remember why they don't!!!

    But I'm so glad that I do!!!

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING ALL!!! This is a great Holiday to start with on your journey out of JW Doom!!! No matter what you currently believe...everyone should be THANKFUL!!!! Gratitude is very healthy!!!

  • poppers

    It does not have any pagan roots - I challenge anybody to prove that it does.

    It was inspired by those heathen paganistic Pilgrams (Quackers).


    No one in the UK celebrates Thanksgiving.

    It would upset Allah!

  • sabastious

    All holidays are summed up in the JW "No part of the world" doctrine. They wrongly apply Jesus' words about his kingdom being no part of the world. Thanksgiving, like all holidays, is a "wordly" holiday.


  • Vanderhoven7

    I think somebody in the Bible got a turkey bone stuck in his throat at a party or something. ;^)

  • panhandlegirl

    Vanderhoven7, That's funny! If we do some research, I'm sure we'll find that's part of the reason. The borg just wan't to control everything the r/f do.

    They still have Turkey and all the trimmings on the third Thursday of November,, but it's not celebrating Thanksgiving.

    Getting ready to go celebrate Thankgiving with some Columbian friends. There will be drinking and dancing!


  • mrsjones5

    Get this, my parents do not celebrate Thanksgiving. My sister is in town staying with my parents for a few days. Guess who's not coming to my house today? On top of that my brother just got back from a cruise with his wife two days ago, is currently having nothing to do with my parents and is also not coming to my house. Nice family cohesion going here.

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