Atheists and Theists... what do you want from us?

by tec 69 Replies latest jw friends


    If Miz and I are getting a KFC day..I have no problem with a Thor day..

    We can probably work Scotch and Cold Beer into both those days..

    Maybe some nice Cuban Cigars as well..

    .............................  mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • Jeffro
    Oh, nevermind... you only had to mention football, lol. I had my mind on video games ;)

    Agreed. I was hoping it would be something interesting too.

  • talesin

    What's RG3? Is that football lingo? really, I don't know.

    Tammy, what can I say? It's the internet. I've been an atheist for about 30 years, and feel no need to denigrate 'believers'. Others feel differently, and like to mock people like yourself. It turns me off, BIG time. Insulting language and 'tone' have no place in an honest debate.

    If it works for you, like Johnny said "Whatever gets you through the night, is all right" with me.


  • talesin

    Scotch? Did someone say Scotch? And KFC?

  • elderelite

    1) its not "just football". Its redskins and RG3!

    2) i can and will whole heartedly endorse the scotch and beer day if we can stipulate single malt scotch is preferable

  • lohengren

    Google : 4 touchdown passes against the eagles today, heisman winning QB from balor, redskins 1st round draft pick

    That should provide adaquate insight ;) thwn you may join in chanting with me:

    He also got me 36 fantasy points!

    But I'm a Cowboys fan so I hope he goes in the terlet next week...

    On topic: As an atheist I would like theists to stop trying to make the entire world follow their rules. We don't all believe the same thing, the fact that a woman can't get an abortion, or I can't buy alcohol on Sunday because it's against someone elses religion is ridiculous.

  • elderelite

    There will be no thanksgiving joy for you my friend!

    RG3! RG3! RG3!

  • talesin

    2) i can and will whole heartedly endorse the scotch and beer day if we can stipulate single malt scotch is preferable

    Preferable? It's the only way to go.

    Oh, thanks GOOGLE for answering my question.

    For the others, RG3 is just a young, whipper-snapper QB - he's only 22. Who knew? Get back to us in a few years, then we can "Joe Montana" or "Warren Moon" him .....

    lohengren, I wholeheartedly agree, but I think Tec is looking for answers for more productive discussions on the forum.


    Yes Talesin..Scotch & KFC..

    Dam.. This could really work out!

    Elderelite..Single malt my man..Nothing Blended..

    You never see Popeyes and Church`s in a KFC Bucket..

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  • elderelite

    Lol i know damn good and well hes a rookie, he plays for my boys :P but he is one hell of a rookie( and frankly all we got to be proud of atm) ! And using joe momtana and warren moon in the same sentance shouldnt be allowed unless the sentance is "warren moon isnt anywhere near as good as joe montana". I hope griff will end up as a steve young type when its all said and done personally....

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