What do you think of drawings like these?

by DeWandelaar 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Kristina1972

    All part of their subliminal (and non-subliminal) methods of controlling the rank and file to demonize all other beliefs besides the JW.

  • LouBelle

    I remember that picture so well. It always pops to mind whenever I see temples with steps leading up. Also reminds me of that movie 10,000BC

  • likeabird

    I remember opening to that picture when the book was released and shut it immediately as I didn't want to get nightmares. Only opened the book again out of necessity for the book study or the like. Even with this thread, I scroll down quickly so I don't have to look at it.

    I have no problem with watching scientific programs showing dissections, but this picture is just sick. Normal institutions put a warning to their adult viewers (as DeWandelaar has kindly done too) that what they are about to see may be shocking - the thought doesn't even cross the mind of the WT$ and they know full well that kids are going to be looking at this stuff!

  • Vidiot
    Theocratic Sedition - "I just don't understand how anyone can salivate in anticipation of good people dying in a horrific manner simply because they didn't agree with the WT's peculiar brand of Christianity."

    Hard-core JWs are pretty convinced that since they don't "agree with the WT's peculiar brand of Christianity", they aren't "good people".

  • perfect1

    What bothers me is that it seems to anatomically incorrect- I am pretty sure you would have to make the incision below the ribcage and then reach up- those ribs are protective of the heart and lungs. Also, the handlers are awkwardly positioned.

    Wait- didnt those desert gods demand human sacrifice as well-

  • Terry

    I think the coloration of the victim may be a little overdone -

    Do people really turn that grey when their heart is cut out?

    Dark purple, actually.

    Dead people have no blood circulation. The oxygen in circulating blood makes the pinkish hue of one's skin.

    Non circulating blood has no oxygen and is dark purple.

    My ex-wife had a brief job as photographer in a hospital. Photographing stillborn babies. I still can't get those images out of my head!!

    Why? You ask. Some mothers actually need those photos for closure.

    Sorry. A bit off topic.

  • kurtbethel

    Not much has changed in Mexico. There is still a lot of human sacrifice with beheadings and mutilation. The Aztec blood still flows thick there.

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