Shunning is the big story

by joelbear 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    LOL @ Biggs!

    Reborn, check yer email.

    When you're hot you're HOT Class

  • JT


    The practice of shunning is one that is raising more and more curiosity among non-JW's.


    YES GOPHER HAS hit the nail on the head

    it is the NON-JW who are too me most important,esp in that they see the men and women behind the smiling faces they see on sat am waking them up and trying to sell wt

    great point

  • JT

    Mavman says:

    After being disfellowshipped, I have abandoned my sinning path.


    this is truly in interesting post in that it is a direct contridiction and at the same time misses a vaulble point.

    let us consider what this poster has stated,

    o by the way i have here in the server room the gang of NONJW as i type this post so that they can see the mind of a jw at work.

    this posted has stated that:

    "I have abandoned my sinning path"

    yet all of us here know including the NONJW i have here since they have read the material i have provided them about the Offical teaching of JW on the issue of hanging out with DFed DAed and those classified as Apostates THAT THIS POSTER ACCORDING TO HIS OWN BELIEF system is sinning right now just by being here

    so-- so much for abandoning his sinful path i guess.

    and secondly to equate questioning something written in a magazine that doesn't even claim to be inspired by a group of guys who don't even claim to be inspired is the same thing as a person who is out Banging women in the Hood while his wife thinks he is at work is truly sad

    all the jw comments in the paper have been


    but what did he do??? HE QUESTIONED- AN any jw worth his weight knows that to question is forbidden

    NOW THIS is the point that nonjw esp the guys here at work just trip out on-- the thought that a grown man's family and long time "friends" would shun him cause he found out that the church was teaching something that was wrong\

    NOW THIS IS THE TYPE OF information that nonjw need to see and hear and when they do -- they understand just how control a jw really is

    they can't even have the freedom to think:

    ck out this wonderful quote that i love to show nonjw:

    Today's Watchtower lesson instructs Witnesses not to think for themselves when it comes to Bible understanding:
    Augest 1, 2001, p. 14, par. 8:

    First, since "oneness" is to be observed, a mature Christian must be in unity and full harmony with fellow believers as far as faith and knowledge are concerned. He does not advocate or insist on personal opinions or "HARBOR PRIVATE IDEAS" when it comes to Bible understanding. Rater, he has complete confidence in the truth as it is revealed by Jehovah God through his Son, Jesus Christ, and "the faithful and discreet slave." By regularly taking in the spiritual food provided "at the proper time" -- through Christian publications, meetings, assemblies, and conventions -- we can be sure that we maintain "oneness" with fellow Christians in faith and knowledge. -- Matthew 24:45.

  • JT


    The fact that you are not DA'ed or not DF'ed means that there is no Watchtower guideline regarding shunning you. You are basically doing what a great number of witnesses do, which is to lead a double life so that you can "have your cake and eat it to." It has been pointed out many times on this board that this occurs in many of's posters families. Indeed, your behavior, is my opinion, is a reflection of the power of shunning. You hide your lifestyle so as not to be DF'ed and shunned.

  • WildHorses

    "I see the value of being inside the organization and I miss the loving friends that I've lost."

    Mav, hun, had they been your true friends, they would not be shunning you.


    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • Joseph Joachim
    Joseph Joachim


    let me clarify some things. First, I'm not living a double life; I live 20000 km from my parents, so I don't need to hide anything. I just don't tell them things they don't need to know (not even to my mother, who is not a JW).

    Second, there's a problem of perspective here. Someone like me who spent the first 27 years of his life in a Third World country, and grew up as a kid under a militar dictatorship who killed 30000 political disidents, sees the world from a very different perspective than someone who has always lived in a democratic country. The key is not to stand up for what is right; the key is to survive.

    The situation, as I see it, is like this: the WTS has a certain shunning policy that won't change in the foreseeable future. Then what can we do? It's like a chess game; the are playing with the white pieces, we are just playing the defensive with the black pieces. All we can do is to respond to their movements, by adapting to the situation the best we can. In my opinion, the best way to avoid being shunned is to avoid being DF'd or DA'd, and if you have to live a double life, then live it.

    Now, if you could not avoid being DF'd, I insist that whether you will be shunned or not depends on your family and friends. Often, the person who shuns you is not worth your love and affection, even if he was a close friend or relative. The best thing to do in that case is to forget about it and make new friens in "the world". Honestly, once you're out and know the truth about the Truth, there's not much to talk about with those who are still in the Borg.

  • JT

    Are you saying Jehovah never uses discipline?

    THIS IS A VERY power comment for it shows the basic problem with JW


    it is due to not knowing what is god's displine and a group of guys displine masquarding around as god's displine

    alow me to site 2 examples:

    1 dfed for transplants WAS THAT FROM GOD OR THE BOYS

    2, dfed for ALTERNATIVE SERVICE was that from god or the boys

    here are just 2 examples that cost folks thier lives, livelhood, families and friends

    and why a cause folks like this poster thought:"Are you saying Jehovah never uses discipline?"


  • barry

    This subject came up at the bible study I attend. We were disscussing different approaches of running a Church the one conductor mentioned the Bretherine who shun to get them to return to the fold some else mentioned the JWs [not me ] and said they thought they might do the same. The class teacher said if most churches shunned people would just walk out the door simply because of a dissagreement with the practice toward anyone.

  • amccullough

    Whew! Excuse me as I recover from having LDH "call me on it..." and then "trounce my ass." I've never faced such difficult debate.

    You said:

    1. I stated a general concept that applies to ALL human beings, JW included.
    MATURE and THINKING human beings have their actions controlled by their concern for the well-being of their fellowman, not because they're gonna get punished.
    2. Due to your inherent JW persecution complex, you automatically assumed that I excluded JWs from that concept.
    I assumed you were excluding JWs as you compared MATURE and THINKING human beings to the JW system which is "perfect for babies."
    Then your next post included:
    And I can tell you right now, if they people you know are JWs, they are NOT smarter than me. They may SEEM to be independent thinkers, but the fact that they're still looking to a man made organization for God's approval makes them DUMBASSES.
    This backed up my assumption.

    I'm not sure where this is going or why I am even responding to you, perhaps in personal defense to getting my "ass trounced."

    In review, you made implications that JWs are not as intelligent as folks like yourself, I refuted that and pointed out that JWs do not use a punishment/reward system despite what your post said.
    You then came back with some garbage about sinning, me being dumb, you being smart, and spiritual asses. Oh yeah, you called me a bitch too. That gave me a chuckle.
    I then asked you to take your medication and perhaps repost something a little more coherent. So, you came back with a post trying to say that you were NOT making a distinction between mature and thinking humans and JWs (despite saying they were dumbasses in a later post,) and something about my inherent JW persecution complex (I'll have to see my shrink about that one.) Somewhere, amidst all this confusion, you "called me on it" and "proceeded to trounce my ass." However, I'm still looking for the part...

  • LDH

    I would recommend you see a good therapist regarding your persecution complex.

    Of ALL the MATURE and LOVING JWs I know, they are that way *in spite of being a JW* not BECAUSE of being a JW.

    I assumed you were excluding JWs as you compared MATURE and THINKING human beings to the JW system which is "perfect for babies."
    THIS is where you went wrong, you made an assupmtion about my statement. My statement neither implied nor suggested that JWs are NOT capable of being mature and loving. That was what *YOU* read into it. Did the statement perhaps strike a bit too close to home?

    My statement was that the JW method is for BABIES.

    The Apostle Paul warned about being spiritual babes, and needing spiritual milk instead of meat.

    As far as I'm concerned the JW system of reward and punishment will NEVER work and will only make people sneakier about doing their wrongs.

    Not to mention the fact--out of the JW own mouth sinning either has to be admitted to or established at the mouth of two witnesses. The JW who refuse to admit their sins to the elders and who haven't been "caught" in wrongdoing are rampant in every congregation.

    So the argument that JWs use it to keep the congregation clean is a red herring.

    DFing and Shunning are used as told of power and control, and have NOTHING to do with spirituality.

    Does that clear your ass-kicking up?


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