Shunning is the big story

by joelbear 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    I wonder how nytelecom1's dad is doing?
    I wonder if he still feels ashamed about his daddy's ethnicity?
    Poor fellow.

  • discuss
    Discuss: "We serve him..." can you please define?

    To obey Jehovahs laws and principals and respect his

    I think that a molestation SURVIVOR pertains to the VICTIM or did you mean what you said about keeping clean by ridding the cono of these sorts
    I think I read the question wrong. I meant those who commit these

    I smell paranoia

  • MavMan
    Why not simply say ``we regret your decision and would hope you reconsider at a future time?''

    That would be nice and dandy, wouldn't it? Here's the problem, you would start spreading poison to the friends. Can't let that happen, sorry. As a baptized Witness, you entered a pact with Jehovah. Why can't the US just let John Walker Lindh go by saying: ``we regret your decision and would hope you reconsider at a future time?''? Because he is a traitor in the eyes of the US government. Apostates are traitors in the eyes of JWs. Therefore, they are disfellowshipped.

    Are you disappointed? sorry, that's just the way it is.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    MavYoYo -

    How can you expect to benefit fully from your delightful shunning while you pick and choose which WTS dictate you'll abide by and which you'll ignore? What will your Dub Parole Officer say when you "confess" that you associate with apostates on-line?

    You need to exert yourself more vigorously th harmonize with Hejovah's Organization. Listen to YoMamma!

    - Nathan Natas, UADNA
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America)

  • joelbear

    mav says,

    That would be nice and dandy, wouldn't it? Here's the problem, you would start spreading poison to the friends. Can't let that happen, sorry. As a baptized Witness, you entered a pact with Jehovah. Why can't the US just let John Walker Lindh go by saying: ``we regret your decision and would hope you reconsider at a future time?''? Because he is a traitor in the eyes of the US government. Apostates are traitors in the eyes of JWs. Therefore, they are disfellowshipped.

    Joelbear says:

    As a baptized witness you entered a pact with the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Your dedication to god is between you and him.

    I love your analogy and think its right on the head. Apostates are traitors in the eyes of Jehovah's Witnesses because they question the beliefs of the Watchtower society. It has nothing to do with their faith in God.

    God doesn't disfellowship people. People disfellowship people. If anything disfellowshipping much more mirrors the Jewish Mosaic law covenant that it does the new covenant established with Jesus's death which requires faith in his ransom sacrafice not a set of confessional, judgement, punishment and reinstatement rituals.


  • AMarie


    John Walker Lindh wasn't just a traitor of the US government, he was representing a fundamentalist group that MURDERED people. I think it's a little bit different than the so called "poison" apostates spread to JWs. We simply don't agree with the way and WHO you are worshipping, that being an organization. In my opinion you made a very weak comparison.

    The only "poison" we are spreading is that of independent thinking, not of god, but independent thinking from a cult.

    I think you put it well your self. You said "Apostates are traitors in the eyes of JWs" Note: Traitors in the eyes of JWs, NOT GOD>


  • Beans

    Some Threads should have CONFERENCE CALLING as an option!


  • dubla


    Apostates are traitors in the eyes of JWs. Therefore, they are disfellowshipped.
    couldnt have said it better myself! the jws choose to disfellowship, they are not using heavenly joel said, god does not disfellowship, people do.


  • LDH
    I have only been lurking here a week or two.
    Is it normal for ldh to behave like she just did?

    BWA HA HA HA only when she smells rabid stupidity.

    Your moods a little nicer but your syntax stills sucks, NYT.


  • bluesapphire


    We, as the shunned, must put aside our differences and support each other so that we can survive and help others like us to survive.

    I wish you all peace.

    Amen Brother Amen!

    That's why I come here and that's why I detest the flame wars. It's all about support here. We can have it all - brain articles and fluff, differing perspectives, etc. I wish you peace too.

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