Neurosurgeon Has Near Death Experience

by metatron 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    ' no one has proven their ability beyond doubt.'

    Which is as it should be

    Why? That just leaves the door open for every scam artist to rob others blind. Every religion, everyone making any claim should be believed because they say so?

    You don't have to prove anything...until you make a claim that something supernatural is true.

    If you claim to be in contact with the spirit world, why is it so hard to prove? Especially for people who claim to pass messages on to others from the spirits.

    If you claim to read tarot cards...why can't you prove what you predict is 100% correct...if it isn't...what is the point in reading someones cards? Do they have a percentage based charge that if you are only 50% correct you get 50% of your money back? How about 20% back? Do they have any answerability for their claims?

    If you claim to have died and gone to heaven...for what purpose?...other than to write a book about it and make lots of money. Which by the way, seems to be a common practice amongst 'gifted' people of all types. They start religions, they start businessess, spiritual centres etc etc. Very few seem to pass this 'information' on freely. Now why is that? And the ones that truly believe they have experienced something 'supernatural' believe it because there is nothing to disprove it wasn't just their minds playing tricks on them. Just like my sleep paralysis experience. I believed it for 20 years. I had no idea this was a well known condition that could be explained.

    I joined a psychic group a few years ago, the woman that ran it was a psychic. She charged for one on one contact with the spirits for personal messages, (although she called it a donation with a suggested amount to donate). But she didn't charge for the group. It was a load of bunk. And acutally had a very negative effect on me. It removed my mind from reality so much I lost my lust for life. It removed me from reality.

    I prefer reality now.

  • Xanthippe

    If you claim to have died and gone to heaven...for what purpose?...other than to write a book about it and make lots of money.

    I thougth neurosurgeons made a lot of money already. Also he's risking losing credibility with his peers and endangering his future career I would have thought.

  • Satanus

    Seems to me that going to another person to intercede, ie, consulting the dead is merely a continuation of other religious practices. In religions they have priests, past, elders and the gb to tell the people about god, what he thinks, how he feels, if he has farted, or whatever. It's fundamentally the wrong approach. All of those figures, if indeed they have contact w the gods, should be teaching others to do it for themselves, and then sending them off to live their lives. They should be empowering others. Instead, the are handicapping and enslaving others.

    The student guru system can work better, imo. There can still be exploitation, no system is perfect. Anyway, if your passed on loved ones are there, you should learn yourself to get in contact. If there is a bible god, or a jesus spirit, people should get their own info directly. If it always fails, stay atheist, agnostic or materialist. Those should be the default positions, until contact w other dimensions is made.

    Meditaions of various kinds have been used successfully in this direction for millenia. However, even more important, before that can be undertaken, meditation should be used to monitor ones own mind. An untrained mind interferes w the above mentioned persuit. Not easy to do.


  • soft+gentle

    beautiful experience - it is similar to one i had when I had encephalitis as a child.

    strangely enough, every now and then I have been aware of a guide but as I am an athiest I tend to speculate about it in a scientific way.

  • Satanus


    'If you claim to have died and gone to heaven...for what purpose?...other than to write a book about it and make lots of money.'

    No purpose. Likely a fluke. Don't know the man. But, being a neurosurgeon, i imagine he's not the type to back down. Making his experience public may go w his character type.

    'I thougth neurosurgeons made a lot of money already. Also he's risking losing credibility with his peers and endangering his future career I would have thought.'

    Absolutely, except in his church. And, if he doesn't make his experience fit within church parameters, he would be excluded from the church as well. Could be, that to him, the experience was so great, he had to tell people about it, a lot of people. Just guessing, of course, since i don't know the guy. However, i believe i had a peek into what he is describing. So, have an idea how it can change a person.


  • soft+gentle

    I agree satanus with what you say about empowering people to lead independent lives. Most ancient mythology suggests this

  • Satanus

    Fundamental difference, in the east, they show you the path and encourage you to start walking. You learn to walk, find you own path.

    In the west, you are a disgusting sinner, who cannot walk on his own. You gotta have somebody to tell you exactly how to walk all your life. In the more liberal christianity, you are to follow in the foot steps of jesus. Even there, you are the property of jesus cuz he died to stop god killing you.

    In the east, you are part of god, or god is part of you. All you need to do is transcend the mind and ego and find your own divine core.


  • Xanthippe

    Yes Satanus I agree with you, I also believe 'the experience was so great, he had to tell people about it', as you say. I was actually quoting StillThinking who thinks he wrote the book to make money.

    I think as a neurosurgeon he has enough money and is risking his career publishing his experience. But I wont know more until I have read the book.

  • Xanthippe

    If I can't find this book yet in my local library I'll make an online suggestion on their website that they buy it. In my experience they usually do. There is no need to pay money for books these days unless you want to.

  • MrFreeze

    Glander, your comment made me laugh out loud in a way I haven't in a good while.

    I'm not so sure about these near-death experiences. Not sure if they are genuine or neurons firing or what have you, but they always interest me.

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