Atheist Miracles

by Perry 130 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finkelstein

    Creationists are known to take a quote out of context from one scientist who may have made a personal opinion that questions scientific accepted discoveries or evolution as it may be and say look what " This" scientist says.

    Perry's creating an analogy of the WTS and its devoted followers as to the narrow mindedness of scientists is again intellectively dishonest because scientific discoveries go through much more involving evaluation and scrutiny than individually expressed religious dogma, from various bodies and if there something inaccurate or unproven it will be quickly removed as being verified and accepted.

    Does that happen within all of the uniquely different expressed doctrines by the many different religious institutions ?

    No it does not.

    This is where applying the scientific method has the upper hand into acquiring accurate knowledge.

  • Finkelstein

    Creationists have an agenda to demean scientific accepted knowledge because it doesn't offer redemption from any of their attainable sins or the possibility of a joyful afterlife in heaven with their select god when they die.

    To these ones scientific discoveries or learning about them has little relevance or importance to them from their own appealing perspective.

    Well put it this way if they don't accept their religious perspective to how humanity and the universe came to be, they could be putting themselves in rejection from what their religions has to offer them, this goes likewise with the JWS and they could be rejected from the religious group to whom they socialize with.

  • Perry


    We all engage in Watchtower lingo drivel as entertainment at times. It was so manipulative and now is easy to see the a priori to the Wathctower in all their writings.

    But, observing the lingo of atheists reveals the same kind of "absolute" commitment to Materialism. It is this "forced" commitment to Materialism that I criticize, not atheists themselves. With over 90% of all communication being non-verbal, I'm sure I fail to communicate this sufficiently through this written medium.

    It is obvious to me that people who have made it out of the Watchtower only to be just as blindly committed to Materialism, irregardless of the facts of our reality, have simply tunneled out of one prison cell into another.


    Certainly finding dinosaur soft tissue, blood vessels, cells, dna fragments, and proteins capable of being sequenced that are a few thousand years old since the flood wiped most of them out - demands an explanation.

    The work that has been done on the preservation characteristics of iron help provide such an explanation. Those tests have revealed about a 200 fold delay in decomposition.

    However, to achieve the multi-million year delays you claim, would require a 99,800,000-fold9 increase in chemical stability.

    This would be indistinguishable from a miracle.

    Here's a good list of not-so-old things to ponder - Here

    If the whole evolutionary paradigm is off, we would expect to find soft tissue completely irrespective of their evolutionary age. And, this is exactly what we find. Here's a list of dozens of peer reviewed papers on "ancient" soft tissue.

    It makes no difference whether its a supposedly 65 Million year old dinosaur, a 150 million year old squid, or 530 Million year old Beard Worms, they all look about the same - fresh, soft & many stink.

  • Viviane
    We all engage in Watchtower lingo drivel as entertainment at times. It was so manipulative and now is easy to see the a priori to the Wathctower in all their writings.

    Perry, you are amazingly dishonest. You pretend to speak for others, quote out of context, lie about science and the bible and create strawmen all the time. I dub you Perry the Fibber. You are a purveyor of fibs, a promoter of fibbing, one who buys, sells and trades in the business of fib.

  • Finkelstein

    Perry, I noticed just pulls out or copies biased nonscientific information off of pro-creation web sites.

    The platitude of ignorance and intellectually dishonesty on these web sites is what Perry uses to contradict known and accepted scientific knowledge or repute accepted findings.

    The held to adage by these people who run these web sites is that the writings in the bible trump modern scientifically accepted knowledge.

    They are essential trained and avowed in accepting ancient mythology and toward solely supporting their beliefs from that expressed ancient mythology.

    Noticed Perry mentioned the great flood

  • Perry

    Kill the messenger?

    So the FACTS are to be discarded just because you don't like a website that lists scientific peer reviewed articles?

    Please enlighten me as to where the millions of printed pages of information in DNA came from. Rocks bumping into each other?

  • Finkelstein

    Why not kill the messenger when the information is biased toward a preconceived agenda ?

  • Viviane
    So the FACTS are to be discarded just because you don't like a website that lists scientific peer reviewed articles?

    Which facts are you referring to, Perry the Fibber?

    Please enlighten me as to where the millions of printed pages of information in DNA came from. Rocks bumping into each other?

    Show me these millions of printed pages that occurred in nature, Perry the Fibber.

  • _Morpheus
    DNA.... From rocks bumping into each other.... Sigh....
  • user100
    god did it.. then he inserted imperfection into it..

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