Rutherford's smear campaign (a must read)

by Leolaia 198 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Leolaia

    That same day, Rutherford dismissed Fink from duty as Zone servant and informed all companies of Zone 1 that Fink has no authority from the Society:

    J. F. Rutherford to all JWs in Zone 1, Wisconsin, 21 Sept. 1939
    : "Reports to this office are to the effect that H. H. Fink, who for some time has been acting as zone servant, has been disregarding the instructions from Brooklyn, which would disqualify him from the position of zone servant...

    Brother Howlett, therefore, speaks at the direction of the Society and Fink has no authority from the Society whatever to represent it at the present time, and not until the situation is cleared up and he has purged himself of the charges made against him. Unless a person is willing to carry out instructions received from headquarters he is not supporting the Theocratic Organization of Jehovah God by Christ Jesus".

  • LockedChaos



    The Judge

    Was a


  • VM44

    "Judge" Rutherford shows himself to be really thin-skinned here.

    It also looks like he mentally equated himself with the "Theocratic Organization of Jehovah God by Christ Jesus."

    No wonder no biography of him was ever published.

    Those who supported Rutherford covered up his actions and so wouldn't write about him, and those who couldn't stand him didn't want to write about him at all!

    An accurate "Judge" Rutherford biography would be an embarrassment to the Organization!

  • Leolaia

    Then Rutherford rebukes Fink in response to Fink's Sept. 21st letter:

    J. F. Rutherford to zone servant Harvey H. Fink, 3 October 1939
    : "Your letter states that you called upon Moyle at a meeting of the company to state his position....Your action in this regard was entirely un-Scriptural. The Lord Jesus says: 'If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and IF HE REPENT forgive him" (Luke 17:3). You had no evidence whatsoever that he had repented. The statement in his letter was a gross libel and slander against the Family of Bethel, if false; and if true, then he could not have conscientiously said that he was in full harmony. You made no attempt to ascertain the truth of the matter. You preferred to take his unsupported statement of the truth of the matter, as against the Watchtower publications and you attempted to speak for the Lord, which you had no authority to do. You were presumptuous before the Lord in this entire matter. Your first duty was to inquire from the Society if you desire to know why this action was taken because the presumption must be indulged that the WATCHTOWER would not make such a statement about anyone unless it was fully supported by the facts.

    In your letter of the 21st. you say that you took the position that if he was 100% wrong it was still your duty to help him, until his actions proved him to be a hypocrite...A slanderer of the Lord's organization, including the entire family, was a slander against the Lord himself. You were willing to pass that up as immaterial and at the same time agree in your own mind that the brethren should restore him. Your action only tended to cause division. Has he repented yet for his wrong doing? He had not on August 24th because on that date he addressed a letter to some others enclosing copies of his slanderous letter and asking the persons addressed to distribute them amongst the brethren. That is not much evidence of repentance. That is over his own signature....Says the Lord at Luke 7:4 that repentance is a condition precedent for forgiving a willful wrong-doer. He sinned against the Lord and against the Lord's brethren, and sinned against the light and it would be an insult to the Lord to forgive such a person who still persists in maintaining that his slander is right.... It is the privilege of the company at Milwaukee and elsewhere to endorse Moyle's slanderous and unfaithful action or to repudiate it. That privilege is yours also....

    Brother Howlett was temporarily appointed zone servant as you know until you should have an opportunity to clear up the misunderstanding. Up to this time you have made no effort to rectify your wrongful action. Under the circumstances it would be improper for you to serve as the Society's representative and at the same time condone the action of one who has so grossly slandered the Lord's people, and who has attempted to cause division amongst them".

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    During the conferences over the Madison Square meetings we were called into the room, I think they call it the radio lobby or audition room, by Mr. Rutherford. There a number of us, Grant Suiter was one, myself and two or three others, were there and Mr. Rutherford, right after breakfast table. As we entered the room and were waiting for the others he sat down in a stenographer's chair, a small swivel chair. The chair tipped back and almost threw him onto the floor and he rose up from the chair and grabbed it with his hands and threw it the whole length of the room towards the center of the room....

    I would've loved to have seen that...

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    This is the best thread I've read in a while. Rutherford is "outraged" over being accused of swearing...and then he actually swears in the next sentence!!! AWESOME!!

    " It was for me to determine whether she should remain in the office.... If others in this house use filthy language, that is their responsibility. The statement that filthy jokes are told at the table and that the family laughs at these and these only, is a damnable outrage and any man who says that such is the case is a deliberate liar....

    I guess we see where the whole "all apostates are liars" comes from.

    This is why I think this thread is important: You can trace the attitudes the Watchtower has to this guy! This is the guy that came up with the df'ing policy. This is the guy that preached hatred towards those that didn't agree with the society. This is the guy that pronounced that everything that people accused him and the Watchtower of was complete lies. So fascinating...

  • VM44

    Christ Alone, I would have liked to have seen that also.

    A new sport was invented. The Judge Rutherford chair throwing event!

    Where did that quote come from? Did I miss something? (was it on page 2 of this thread?)

  • VM44

    I think we are all going to discover why Charles Russell dismissed Rutherford from Bethel in 1915.

  • Ding

    Unfortunately, most JWs don't care about what Rutherford said or did.

    In fact, "the truth" has a shelf life of about 5 years.

    If you quote anything published before that, you're suspected of being an apostate.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Our furniture is still on the way from Brooklyn. We are hoping it will get here before Armageddon starts anyway.

    Sad...sad. This was back in 1939. I hope he's not still waiting for his furniture...

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