Femine supplies advice help needed

by jws 43 Replies latest social family

  • jws

    Thanks to everyone else for their suggestions. I decided to start with pads. I was at the store today and saw Kotex has a Tweens brand said to be, according to the box, "protection for smaller sizes". Kotex is a brand name I've heard of. In Elementary school 35-some years ago, I remember some joke about "Don't forget your coat, Tex". So they've been around.

    They're pads like everybody seems to be suggesting. And they seem to be designed for starters. And my daughter (and son for that matter) tend to be on the shorter, smaller side. And they're multi-colored, which she liked.

    I packed a couple into a ziplock bag along with a couple of grocery bags to wrap them in and put them in her backpack. The rest can stay at home. I'll probably give her some to bring to the ex's.

    That, in my opinion, gets her through the "this just started" portion. From there, we can tune. I like the idea of getting free samples to get a variety so she can try and figure out what works best for her without having to buy a dozen of each variety, most of which will go to waste.

    For all I know, it could be a year or two away. But I feel better now knowing that if/when she does start, she's got the supplies.

    I will also get some Midol. She has plenty of panties. Probably put a pair or two in her backpack as well. And some handi-wipe packs as well. Is there anything in those (like alcohol) that would sting that area?

    Being prepared actually was the school's idea. I just happened to agree with it when I heard it.

    Thank you Kudra. I suppose I could have done a Google search. But so much of the internet seems to be slanted towards advertising. And you never know what is a vendor site in disguise. I trust the responses of the users of a site like this because I know it's not a corporation behind the user ID. It's real people with real-life experiences who probably don't have a financial stake in recommending one thing over another. Not to say there isn't help out there and I will look over the sites you posted. Thank you. And she's already had the talk. I'm also prepared to provide her with condoms and other forms of birth control if she so desires. I think kids should wait, but if they choose go against my wishes and instinct wins, the more important thing is that they remain disease free and (until later in life) child free.

    Unlike my two still-JW sisters who raised their kids JW, I'd like to be the first of my siblings to raise kids who didn't get pregnant or get somebody pregnant until after they got married.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    This is great that you are thinking ahead. I agree birth control should be available sooner then we would want it to be used.

    As a daughter of a single dad I'm so proud of you. This wasn't a good experiance for me. I'm moving and realized I now hoard Femine supplies. The amount of times in my young life that I ran out was horable!!!! The 1st time was at school had to go to the school nurse and the pads were hudge, you could see them thru my pants, I ran out in a KH that I was visitng and had to ask strangers for something and NO one had any!!! till one sister handed me a tampon and I had never used one Learned real quick!

    Please be open and not ashamed of it. My dad was mortified with the whole thing which made me afraid to ask for more. Thank God I was a late starter. I was almost 15 but it was still not fun!!! Keep the supply AHEAD don't let it run out!! If you're not embarressed it will help her to be less!

    Again I love the proactiveness you have!


    oh and the wipes are good makes you feel fresh. I agree start with pads. Tampons are good if used with pads, increase the chances of endometriosis if ued ONLY! they come in "light days" but don't go there for a few years. Most girls start out light so tampons aren't necessary. You do want her to know HOW to use them at some point. They come with directions so you don't need to tell her In the summer you can swim with them.... or winter if you have a pool, just saying she will want to know how to use them later

  • Branded Rebel
    Branded Rebel

    You know what? I know it's uncomfortable to do, but ask her what she thinks and go to the supermarket with her. Be open about it and she will tell you anything. Girls are funny creatures and if you get something her mum doesn't get then it could spark a war. Talk to your daughter. She probably knows more about it than you realise. Most online feminine brands will have free samples they will send out in the post for free. Depends if these brands are available in your country, you could try searching the web for brands like:- stay-free, kotex, libra, carefree, homebrand, De Jour, tampex. You can do it in the privacy of your own home if you'd rather not walk into a supermarket and feel uncomfortable browsing the feminine hygene shelves. You might also find some useful info and samples here:- www.freesamplesblog.com/category/free-stuff/feminine-care/

    Best of luck to you. :)

  • jws

    I'm definitely not embarassed about buying this stuff. Don't understand guys who are. I mean it's not like it's for me. Now if I was going up to the checkout with something like jock-itch powder or hemeroid cream, I might get embarassed because the person behind the counter assumes it's for me. Feminine products definitely aren't for guys, so why should guys be embarassed? And they aren't even for a problem like jock itch. They're for a normal function. Like buying toilet paper.

    I've always been matter-of-fact with the kids. Not treating it like something hush-hush or very private, so as not to give off any vibe that they should be embarrassed. And I think it works. The kids know what's coming and don't seem scared or embarassed. They seem to be handling it well.

    I remember my dad going very slow with "the talk" and speaking of things in a very quiet voice as if somebody else might hear. As if he was telling a secret. It was only me and my brother (11 months younger, getting the talk at the same time) and mother in the house. And at the time I remember thinking she must know about this stuff if I'm alive, so why talk so quietly about it?

    I know it's all a natural function but I'll admit, I didn't really want to know about this stuff with the ex-wife or with girlfriends. It's kind of like poop. I don't want to watch my significant other poop, or see her wipe, or see the poop. That's her business and she can take care of it without me knowing any of the details. But as a parent, you've got to deal with poop. At least when they're babies and toddlers. When I wasn't at work, I did the vast majority of diaper changes for the kids. Not that I'm going to be directly dealing with feminine hygene prodcuts with my daughter in the same way. If she needs help, I'm gonna explain it and send her in the bathroom by herself to do it. But like poop, I'm not gonna be grossed out or afraid to talk about the subject with her.

    Which also reminds me, maybe I (or the ex if I can get her to now that they've been purchased) should go through the instructions with her and explain what to do so she doesn't have to figure it out when it happens. Having the supplies is only good if you know how to use them. And when it's happening (with possible stress and embarassment) isn't the time to read and try to figure it out.

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