Stories you've heard from what makes one believe they are 'anointed'.

by EndofMysteries 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • EndofMysteries

    It's funny, how the bible describes it is far different from those I had spoken with or heard about. Let's all start listing the many different stories. I'll start.

    This one brother said he was walking in the city once, and a man he hadn't noticed said to him, "Your hope has now changed", he turned away and when he turned around again he was gone.

    Sounds more like a delusion or demon encounter to me. Doesn't get spirit or believe he can, doesn't understand the bible, believes only the GB can explain it.

    I wonder how many other crazy stories there on why they feel they are anointed.

  • Bobcat

    EndOf Mysteries: (Your name seems apropriate for this thread)

    I'm still in the midst of researching this, but the research so far is pointing to the conclusion that all (true) Christians are anointed with spirit. And that it has no direct relationship with whether one is going to actually rule with Christ in heaven. It IS related to 'inheriting the kingdom' which is an inheritance that all Christians receive.

    I included "(true)" above because in 1 John 2:18-28 speaks about 'some who were with us' but were not 'of us' and being 'anointed' seems to be a difference among the two groups referred to (the ones who remained and the ones who left).

    If that research bears out, then, the real story is how JWs have been duped by the Society on this subject.

    But in connection with your actual question, I'll relate a couple after I come back from work.

    Take Care

  • Elizabeth123
  • Iamallcool

    Hey Elizabeth! FU

  • jamesmahon

    My cousin 'felt' that he was one of the annointed. He prayed to Jehovah for a sign. Shortly after he went to the US on holiday (from australia) and went on a Bethel tour. Whilst on the tour one of the governing body stopped and spoke to him (I don't know who but it was in 1990). Later, he was speaking to some other bethelites told him that particular gb member rarely spoke to anyone. He therefore took this conversation (which apparently was just small talk) as the 'sign'.


  • zeb

    some poor souls are so desperate for approval, for recognition..

  • AuntBee

    Two pioneer ladies were at my house for an extended convo. I asked this very question. One of them went into this long story about beavers finding their mates by various ways, including scent, etc, and how they "just Know." And how it's kind of like that.

    The other pioneer, the smart one, looked like she wanted to crawl into a hole!

  • Fernando

    As a simple Jesus follower who is SBNR (Spiritual But Not Religious) I have felt, can explain, and can prove the operation of the Holy Spirit in my life.

    I know for certain that the same and more is available to ANY ordinary person.

    It is only evil persons who are excluded - persons whose ignorance is militant, and whose self-righteousness is malignant.

    The Pharisees - the ruling religious clergy class - are a prime example of such evil ones, who do not want any of the so called "laity class" to be led by Holy Spirit, instead of by other humans.

    What I cannot explain fully is the calling some in the Watchtower claim. Is their calling from the devil, or does their religious environment obfuscate a genuine call from God?

    At any rate anyone claiming to be one of "the anointed" has a problem. Even in the corrupt NWT "the anointed" (Ho Kristos in Greek) is ALWAYS correctly translated as "the Christ" in the New Covenant scriptures.


    I know a guy who said he saw a vision of a feather floating around ( Forrest Gump style?! ), is he crazy??? I won't make that call. NOWHERE in the Bible does it ever say that some Christians partake and some don't. Partaking is a testament to YOUR faith in Christ alone as your personal savior, acording to scripture. If you are a Christian, you partake. An athiest can read the Gospel and see that " Christians " partake. All Christians have the same hope, the details of that hope are debatable. One thing is certain, Rutherford's 1935-ish two-class teaching is a bunch of soggy " miracle wheat". It is interesting to note that the partakers at the top of the JW Org claim no inspiration. The do claim to be spirit-directed, and a couple of notches above the other members of the same " slave class ". The regular " slave class " do not have insight like the GB, just ask any dub. Perhaps a sign that you are an anointed dub is the ability to believe your own lies, even the ones you tell yourself?

  • Fernando

    As DATA-DOG says, "one hope" according to Eph 4:4.

    Heaven and earth (spiritual and physical) must then both be part of the "one hope" - the details though remain debatable as DATA-DOG says.

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