Favorite JW Urban Legends

by Christ Alone 59 Replies latest jw experiences

  • processor
    The John Denver urban legend we used to get was that he asked Witnesses to leave because his trick of his guitar playing itself wouldnt workith Witnesses in the audience, demons would play it see!

    I heard EXACTLY the same story of Chris de Burgh.

    But it seems that it was about John Denver originally, and as he wasn't really known in Germany, German JWs replaced him with Chris de Burgh.

    Anyway, the real story was likely that he said something like "Now I will play a nationalistic song; if Jehovah's Witnesses are here it would be a good time for them to go to the restroom or get something to drink". See http://www.snopes.com/music/artists/ordered.asp

  • tornapart

    When I was young and N.H.Knorr was president I heard a story doing the rounds. It was said a journalist was interested in getting a pre-convention story for the local paper. At the time the stadium was being 'cleaned' in preparation. He was asking someone about the president and he was told 'why don't you ask him yourself, he's over their helping with the cleaning'. Do I believe it? Not having read 1st hand stories about him!! LOL

  • SophieG

    The stories about musical groups asking JWs to leave their concerts seems prevalent... Heard the same thing about Earth, Wind and Fire!

    *puts headphones on* singing loudly: LET'S GROOVE TONIGHT!!!!!

  • MrFreeze

    What about the Jeopardy "NWT is the most accurate translation" legend. I haven't heard anything that corroborates that.

    You also have to wonder with the "Jehovah saved me from animals or rapists stories", why didn't Jehovah just not have them start to attack in the first place?

  • Nambo

    "I heard EXACTLY the same story of Chris de Burgh.

    But it seems that it was about John Denver originally, and as he wasn't really known in Germany, German JWs replaced him with Chris de Burgh."


    Ah!, now you say it was Chris de Burgh, I think I got this legend wrong about it being John Denver at all, yes, I think it was Chris de Burgh, and seeing how this is the same story from England and Germany, then maybe its...........................true!!!

    Where in Germany are you from Processor?, my Father was from Dusselldorf his parents having been driven from Prussia.

  • mamochan13

    The John Denver story is an old one - I first heard it from a Bethelite in about 1985, who claimed that she was actually at the concert.

    I was at the Vancouver convention when the Glen Campbell story went around, too. I seem to recall someone afterwards discovered that there was a person on the baptism list with that name, but it wasn't "the" Glen Campbell, of course.

    There was a bizarre story going around during the Malawi days. We had done this major letter-writing campaign. The rumour then came back that the high bishop who had been responsible for ordering the abuse of the witnesses who would not buy a membership card had been arrested as a result of our letters and had been seen chained to a wall in the prison.

  • ShirleyW

    So, the ol' basket of food being left on the front porch at the right time has made the rounds hunh? I remember a sis in our Cong when I was pre-teen went to serve where the need was great with some other sisters and they were down to their last slice of bread, so they had to decide should they spend their money on gas to get to the meeting or should they go food shopping. . . . . you know the rest.

    "while they were in the airplane he closed the window beside her and said that she will never be able to see the witnesses again."

    Something about the above should've been considered bogus from the beginning since you can't open a window on an airplane!

  • hoser

    I heard one similar to the airplane one. A sister started dating a worldly man and he started attending the kingdom hall. He made fine progress and was baptised. The day of their wedding as they got into the car leaving the kingdom hall he said "take a good look cause that is the last time you will see the kingdom hall"

  • ozbrad

    Well there was the story of this talking snake who got a naked woman to eat some fruit.

    And the one about the guy with super human powers who lost it all after he got a haircut.

    And there was this one about a guy who built this really big boat....

  • processor

    now you say it was Chris de Burgh, I think I got this legend wrong about it being John Denver at all, yes, I think it was Chris de Burgh

    Hmm .. no, I've heard it about John Denver before, too. Likely someone who didn't know John Denver replaced him with Chris de Burgh at some point.

    Where in Germany are you from Processor?

    Northern Bavaria (near Bamberg and Würzburg), quite far from Düsseldorf.

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