Any gamers here?

by poopsiecakes 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Inisc

    Yeah can't wait til resident evil 6 comes out!

  • afreeman

    My avatar should be a dead giveaway. I game mostly on PC.

    Currently playing Black Mesa and planning on buying Dark Souls.

  • poopsiecakes

    omg more nerds!

  • snare&racket

    My friend suggested skyrim... I was Wandering through the first little village, having explored a little, i liked the feel of the place but wasnt convinced about the game...... Then a dragon showed up and scared the be'jesus out of me, my pesky arrows did nothing as he burned my ass... I remembered that the village had guards, so i took a gamble on the game writers ability and legged it to the village, low and behold the dragon followed me. To my suprise, the villagers all ran inside screaming... Thenran back out with weapons in hand, we all attacked it, it hit the ground, i aimed my bow at its head and i fired.... Then for the first time the game went into slow mo as my arrow flew through the air and ended the life of the dragon.... To the face!

    Now I saw what all the fuss was about. Sadly I cant play often as my degree is 'in the way'. But i hate ice trolls and i love having a sleep after a long day lol.

    If you like this, i suggest you try Mass Effect. play number 2 and 3. For me though, best game ever has to be Half Life 2, best moment being the Half Life music kicking in as you see your suit again. I lurv video games.... Ps Battlefield 3 is also awesomeballs!

    Snare x

  • EndofMysteries

    Guild Wars 2 is incredibly fun! No monthly fee either. That'll hook you more then Skyrim.

  • Jadeen

    Ok, so I had my character strip and run around Whiterun. Hee hee, the one little girl yells, "You're naked!" and the town drunk slurs, "Either I'm drunk or you're naked. Or both." The one shop owner just says, "Umm, you might want to think about putting some clothes on." I thought the funniest part was running into people that I had helped, who say, "It's a fine day with you around!" Rofl!

  • Knowsnothing

    The funnest part about gaming... (for me) is talking about it... LOL.

    Hands down (my pants, old joke from high-school), my favorite game of all-time for the cause of replayability is Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings and the The Conquerors expansion. 0_0 Soooo many hours spent playing... I'm sure I probably spent more than is healthy playing that game. Good times, good times. Gunz The Duel probably comes at a close second.

    My gaming was about as extreme as when that South Park episode aired where the gang plays World of Warcraft.... bwahahahahaha.... without the crap pan of course...

  • Diest

    I enjoyed Morrowind, and I now play some WOW. This style of gaming is addictive due to its goal and achievement nature. Your brain feels like you have accomplished something.

    Poopsie, now that I know you are a game are even hotter in my eyes.

  • HintOfLime

    Gamer, and Game Dev. :)

    Love the Elder Scrolls, and well... best not to start that list. :)

    - Lime

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Skyrim is quite good, but not as good as Fallout 3 (bethesda games). Think skyrim with guns and tech... Now there is a game.... you think skyrim is big? Fallout 3 I have played thru 3 times inc expansion packs and still havent seen it all. Fallout New Vegas is slightly slicker, but feels uncompleted unlike the awesome fallout 3. Get the GOTY (game of the year) Editions and you get all the expansion packs etc included, these games are cheap on Ebay.

    I like getting max gamer score on games as well and hate it when they have an annoying achievment that is really stupid... like having to beat 5 finger fillet in Rage (GS 985 for that one then) I dont mind hard achievements like Mile High Club on Veteran difficulty in COD4 (yep took me about 50 tries at that one), but stupid ones annoy me.

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