Any gamers here?

by poopsiecakes 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • sd-7

    I'm a Nintendo man. Every Nintendo system including Virtual Boy, I have played and enjoyed. I've owned every system Nintendo has released since the Gamecube. Looking forward to the Wii U. I played some PC games years ago, but not very many. Star Wars games (X-Wing, TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance), mostly. I did play Playstation, PS2, and Xbox (Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2, mostly, on Xbox).


  • Chariklo

    How about a nice game of chess?

  • poopsiecakes

    Hi sd-7

    I confess I don't know any of the games you referred to...although I've heard of them lol. Glad to see you're one of the geeks onboard.

  • poopsiecakes

    Char, I'm a great fan of Chess - even though I play it in a disastrous fashion.

  • sd-7

    Ah. We would make good chess-playing buddies, then. One of us would win, sooner or later, but not before we were both banging our heads against a wall. Ha ha!

    But yeah, I'm a huge gamer when I have time. My reflexes are much slower, though, so it takes me awhile to get warmed up on Nintendo games. The Mrs. actually plays more often than I do.


  • poopsiecakes

    Yeah...I stuggle with patience somewhat, so Chess tends to be a short lived enterprise when I sit at the board.


    Gamer too!

  • Matsimus

    Skyrim isn't a game, it's magic lol. It can make me forget all bout the real life for hours. Why some people use drugs to get this effect I do not understand.

    - Matsimus

  • poopsiecakes

    Mats, you're SO RIGHT! I never knew what I was missing until I entered the world of the Elder Scrolls. *giggle*

    Hey do you know about the secret chest in Dawnstar? :)

    NOLAW - what game are you into, darlin?

  • talesin

    I just started playing Neverwinter Nights. Ultimate D&D! :D

    Used to play WC and Diablo, but dayyum, the new system won't play Diablo II without an online upgrade, and I'm just . not . going . there!


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