Rumor Elders Will Receive Name Badges For Every Meeting.

by HelpMeBelieve 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • HelpMeBelieve

    I keep hearing rumors elders are going to be getting permanent badge cards to wear to every meeting. One excited brother told me, "it would be nice if new ones to the Kingdom Hall could see who their shepherds are. There is a great surge in activity, new Bible students will be able to locate the proper elder in charge of bible studies!" He makes a good point if we really are having huge growth but we are stagnant.

    I know some of the real power hungry el-tards (not related to humble, kind and loving elders) would eat this up! Custom gold plated name badges, silver and bronze for minsterial servants. Who starts these rumors and would our humble elders wear name cards during the meetings as a way to distinguish them from the flock?

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Family worship night was copied from Mormons. If there is any truth to this ‘rumor', Elder and Ministerial Servant name badges will also be something borrowed from the Mormons.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses more and more seem to walk in the shadows of the Mormon faith.

  • slimboyfat

    Ha ha that would be so funny.

    I would have a good mind to make my own name badge and turn up with it on. What are they going to do disfellowship me for wearing my name?

  • cedars

    lol, you know what this means don't you?!

    When an elder is removed, he will need to turn in his Flock book, AND his badge!!

    What a joke.


  • NewChapter

    Well it's one way to give the impresssion that new ones are just flocking in. Maybe it's slow for THIS congregation, but we need nametags, so it must mean it's overwhelming in OTHER congregations.

    Now they will wear permanent holes into their suit jackets. Mormons just attach them to their white shirts.

  • Iamallcool

    I would hate to see the badges, it will make the elders heads much bigger! It will make me want to vomit.

    Watchtower, don't do it.

  • Iamallcool

    If the elders wear the badges, I am sure alot more Ministerial Servants will be trying very hard to be an elder so he can wear a badge too.

  • Iamallcool

    Sometimes I can tell who is an elder when I visit the congregation for the very first time. It is all about mannerisms, etc...

  • Blind_Of_Lies

    I had an elder in my old cong that would wear his convention badge. It actually wouldnt shock me if they started demanding wittnesses who are in dress clothes always wear badges. with their dwindleing numbers it wouldnt shock me if they wanted to creat an illusion.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    I'm pretty convinced this is a non-story, put about by someone with a fertile/mischievous imagination!

    If it was true, I feel many in the congregations who have lost trust & respect in certain "shepherds", (not the position) would look on such ones as being even less worthy of such, thanks to to their superior attitude.

    Any truly spiritual and humble brother, would apply the principle at 1 Peter 3:15, and give Scriptural reasons for declining the 'privilege' to stand out in the 'one flock'.

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