by Quentin 284 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    The odd thing about not driving a car for 7 days or sleeping in your own bed or looking up at the sky or---just walking into the kitchen for a snack---

    is that, once you get those simple freedoms back they suddenly seem more like...... miracles.

    Now, I'm crazy enough ask myself if I've been missing the "numinous" part of life all along.

    Not just the "fear and trembling" or bat shit fanatical tendency to see what is Holy on a grill cheese sandwich, either.

    I'm talking about the miraculous ability of a piece of meat inside our own skull to find enormous beauty and satisfaction in walking out of a darkened artificial enviornment (like a hospital) into bright sunshine and have the morning wind rustle past your pant legs chasing leaves into the grass----and taking a sudden breath. Holding it. And saying "Wow".

    Life! LIFE!

    Sounds. Smells. Warmth on your eyelids.

    The taste of oxygen in September air. The feeling of your own body weight on legs carrying you to a car.

    The air-conditioning as you drive.

    The front porch of Home.

    Miracles. All so numinous. Personal. Splendid and impossible.

    I'm drunk on life.

  • still thinking
  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Glad you are doing well!

  • jgnat


    this is what does it for me

    Lightning Ridge

  • tec

    I have been gone, and did not see this post. So I did not know you were sick, and I am so glad to get to hear that you are doing well right after I read that you were sick!

    I would miss you terribly if you had to stay away for a long time!

    Peace and love to you, Terry,


  • Leolaia
    The odd thing about not driving a car for 7 days or sleeping in your own bed or looking up at the sky or---just walking into the kitchen for a snack---

    is that, once you get those simple freedoms back they suddenly seem more like...... miracles.

    Now, I'm crazy enough ask myself if I've been missing the "numinous" part of life all along. Not just the "fear and trembling" or bat shit fanatical tendency to see what is Holy on a grill cheese sandwich, either.

    I'm talking about the miraculous ability of a piece of meat inside our own skull to find enormous beauty and satisfaction in walking out of a darkened artificial enviornment (like a hospital) into bright sunshine and have the morning wind rustle past your pant legs chasing leaves into the grass----and taking a sudden breath. Holding it. And saying "Wow".

    Life! LIFE!

    Sounds. Smells. Warmth on your eyelids.

    The taste of oxygen in September air. The feeling of your own body weight on legs carrying you to a car.

    The air-conditioning as you drive.

    The front porch of Home.

    Miracles. All so numinous. Personal. Splendid and impossible.

    I'm drunk on life.

    Post of the year.

    So glad you're on the mend and things are getting better.

  • Bangalore

    Glad you are you recovering,Terry. All the best.


  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    I want to get drunk on life, like you, Terry!!!

  • Rabbit

    I'm so glad you're 'out' when Talesin mentioned "Terry...was going thru a horror...", I meant to call Quentin. So, I didn't see this long thread until tonite. We both have been dealing with doctors, hospitals and the like for a while now. I know that feeling you described perfectly about, "...those simple freedoms...", they only seem 'simple' but, they mean everything.

    Glad you're home

  • Terry

    I shuffled around the house with 3 doggies sniffing my bony ankles and their pinwheel tails creating little whirlpools of air at floor level.

    The smell of my cousin Deb's cookies were seducing forward motion.

    I stepped outside into 100 degree daylight and my body did not automatically adjust as it usually does.

    Funny thing about your OWN body. You get to expecting certain automatic responses. When you knock them off course it takes a period of adjustment in which you become "aware" of those mysteries.

    Sort of like a tenant phoning the landlord:"Hey we need heat in here and the pipe's are leaking!!"

    Taking things for granted and demanding that everything simply GOES OUR WAY is what an immature child does.

    I've been that immature child. Too long.

    I'm seeing PROCESS now.

    Nothing much in the universe is a "given". Nothing much is automatic.

    Some things are probable. Few things are certain.

    Personal choices catch up to us. Healthy or not. Ready or not. Here they come!

    I am consciously going to try and be a bit more "ready" from now on.

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