Has Anyone Invited You to the Memorial?

by Prisca 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sirona

    Im not christian anymore, so I dont think I will be attending. Unless they welcome pagans...

    I will be invited, because my mum insists that we attend this one event, but she doesnt realise that this year Im not going. Last year I was very P**sed off by everyone smiling and saying how they'd missed me...when none of them bother at any other time.

    ** http://www.religioustolerance.org **

  • betweenworlds

    amazingly no one has been by yet! Hope it stays that way.

    Everything secret degenerates, even the administration of justice; nothing is safe that does not show how it can bear discussion and publicity. Lord Acton 1834-1902

  • meat pie
    meat pie

    No no-one has invited me yet, Iam not DF'd or DA'd yet. Funny thing though, I get Watchtowers and Awakes brought to me, but the ones that are missing must be the ones that mention the Memorial, because I've not found any reference to it.I would not go anyway because I cannot and never have seen the point in just going once a year, like people who only go to church at Christmas. Also I am currently trying to understand the whole thing of communion.Should it be for everyone , I don't know.

  • gumby

    Nobody is going to invite this KNOWN apostate puppy!!
    Known apostates are NOT to even get the once a year visit by the elders that the df'ed non apostates get. Tisk Tisk

    If I were to ever attend a meeting (and I never will), the memorial is NOT the meeting I would choose as I think it is the most blasphemious meeting they have.

  • Dutchie

    I have turned on my caller id and though some of the witnesses have called, I don't answer the phone. I am not going simply because I don't want to be a part of their statistics when they rattle off how many people attended the Memorial. They look to that number as the potential number of people who could come into their organization. I want no part of their propaganda. Jesus says "Keep doing this in rememberance of me." I respect those words. What Jesus did not say was that I had to do it at a Kingdom Hall.

  • lauralisa

    Shelby (A Guest) invited us all!

    If I had the time, I would have asked her about the details i.e. time, date, place, etc.

    Other than that, no invitations. But that is a good thing in my case.

    Interesting thread, Prisca,


  • ozziepost

    G'day Jem,

    You asked if I'll be there? Not this time. Nor last year either 'cos I was in your area!!!! Remember?

    All my many relatives and children will be going or giving the talk in various places but Mrs Ozzie and I will not be attending. We've had the elders round last week to invite us but we will decline their kind offer!

    The reasons are scriptural really. I don't feel that when the emblems are passed around and I'd be expected to not partake that this is in obedience to Christ who said "Keep doing this in remembrance of me". That is, I'd be rejecting his sacrifice, not memorialising it.

    I've come to the view that the Memorial at the Kingdom Hall is actually an occasion to reject the emblems and I just can't do it, no matter how much easier it would be to share with my many family members.

    If any Christian believers wish to share communion with me or I with them we've been happy to do so.

    The weather here's now warm and bright with cool nights. Typical autumn. What a summer we had! Fire and rain!


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • plmkrzy


    "Funny thing though, I get Watchtowers and Awakes brought to me, but the ones that are missing must be the ones that mention the Memorial, because I've not found any reference to it."

    I looked at the Watchtowers I have and didn't see any mention of it either. I don't remember seeing it mentioned any any of them last year either. Last year I got one of those slips.

    It is posted in the JW Calendar. My mom sends me one every year

    March 28th after sundown


  • Amazing

    HI Prisca: We used to have special efforst to cover our territory quickly and make sure that all were invited, handing our the little white Invitiation slips to everyone, especially Return Visits, Bible Studies, Inactive, Irregular, and others. But that seems to be another relic of the past. I have seen nothing from them about the memorial in years.

  • gumby

    Ozmeister : If any Christian believers wish to share communion with me or I with them we've been happy to do so.

    Will you pay for my plane ticket to Aussieland?

    Seriously...if I had the time and doe.....I would love too!

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