I called Bethel about shunning family, unexpected response.....

by EndofMysteries 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jgnat

    Here's the WT exit clause:

    HIS RESPONSE: With family members, that is their own conscience and for them to decide. We will not tell them yes or no, that is on them themselves. If they feel you are being a bad influence on them, they may choose not to, either way they must decide we won't say one way or another. Based on what you told me it sounds like they may be taking things to an extreme, but that's their choice.

    Good luck getting your family to accept your testimony.

  • binadub

    Imo their verbal response is to avoid legal liability. (You the caller could be thinking about setting them up for a lawsuit.)

    They are more than aware that all they have to do is infer something in the Watchtower magazine, which could be taken in more ways than one, and people will jump on it reading "between the lines" as if it were Gospel. That's what happened that started the 1975 fervor in 1968. It's much the same with the blood transfusion issue.


  • Hermano

    Sounds to me like the OP is suggesting their lies can be used against them. Sounds like a great idea to me.

  • I Want to Believe
    I Want to Believe

    Here is the definition of "conscience matter" to a JW: If you have a strong, good conscience you will see shunning/blood/ect. as a concrete rule and, in fact, should even take it a few steps further, if you're really rightous that is. You CAN go against the WT recommendations but that means you're conscience is weak, and you're weak, and God is now sad (and expect some "strengthening" from the brothers).

    Saying something is a conscience matter is exactly the same as the emotional blackmail standard "if you really loved me you would."

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    It may be dependent on how fearful family members are. For instance, my daughter (of all things and a whole other story) is studing, and she's told me she can't get baptized if she associates with me.....

    From my own personal experience (my family) as well as what I've seen here at JWN, the majority of family members don't want to piss off Jah..remember 'Jehovah is watching" ..... (quoted from the WT)

  • jwfacts

    Very interesting.

    With family members, that is their own conscience and for them to decide. We will not tell them yes or no, that is on them themselves. If they feel you are being a bad influence on them, they may choose not to, either way they must decide we won't say one way or another. Based on what you told me it sounds like they may be taking things to an extreme, but that's their choice. I even mentioned they said they read something that if I didn't go to meetings anymore they were to treat me as an apostate and can't associate with me. He said whatever they think they read they misunderstood it or took it to an extreme, that again they wouldn't be told they can't associate with family.

    That response is a lie. The Watchtower leaves no doubt when it says to shun family. It seems Bethel is concerned about bad PR and the service desk have come up with acceptable responses for phone calls/interviews.

    However, I take your point that this is very useful information for d/f people with JW family. Try to get the JW family member to speak with Bethel, as that sort of response will put them at ease with having some communication.

    HIS RESPONSE: With family members, that is their own conscience and for them to decide. We will not tell them yes or no, that is on them themselves. If they feel you are being a bad influence on them, they may choose not to, either way they must decide we won't say one way or another. Based on what you told me it sounds like they may be taking things to an extreme, but that's their choice. HIS RESPONSE: With family members, that is their own conscience and for them to decide. We will not tell them yes or no, that is on them themselves. If they feel you are being a bad influence on them, they may choose not to, either way they must decide we won't say one way or another. Based on what you told me it sounds like they may be taking things to an extreme, but that's their choice.

    It`s all WatchTarded double talk

    Make the Wrong Choice and the WBT$ and will screw you..

    I Thought I had a Choice..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    EndofMysteries when you called Bethel did you specifically mention DF members?

  • leavingwt

    They will shun you. This includes close family. Even worse, they will feel as though you have attacked them. They will even blame you for the discomfort of the family separation, saying it's all your fault. They may love you, but they don't love you more than they love Jehovah.

    It's a cult.

  • simon17

    EndofMysteries when you called Bethel did you specifically mention DF members?

    That's the thing, he specifically made it seem as if the person was having doubts, kept to themselves, and was NOT disfellowshipped.

    Thats why I think he got the response he got, and I think the response is accurate to how the JW's are asked to behave. Some might be extreme and shun ANY person who has drifted away quietly. Some may not. And some may not really change their behavior with that one.

    Disfellowshipped/disassociated ones is a totally different beast in WT world. Then, yes, they ARE expected to shun.

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