Ironic new Awake cover...

by cedars 49 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    Learning is bad. Got it. Thanks WT.

  • Haulin Oats
    Haulin Oats

    Poor Wiktor:

    "fell asleep trying to read the bible". What the rest of the story DIDN'T say was that he downed 3 red bulls, 2 caffiene pills, and had just woken up. It turns out the Bible really is that boring.

  • Black Sheep
  • Finkelstein

    There's another possible argument to the reason the WTS. encourages construction trades is that in this way there will always be trades people who will

    be available to work on Kingdom Hall builds. This way the the WTS. gets their KHs built on the cheap

  • Iamallcool

    Watchtower, you REALLY make me sick.

  • witnomore

    Girls can pursue domestic studies, typing and other secretarial skills, opportunities as medical assistants or other interesting and practical fields of work now open to women.

    Typing, really...what century are they in? Today's "secretaries" need to have excellent computer skills in addition to numerous other skills. And, most I know have Associate degrees.

    What a bunch of dumb asses.....

  • Jeffro
    Wiktor became disturbed about the effect that his pursuit of the sport was having on his spirituality. One day, he fell asleep while trying to read the Bible.

    Could it be that the Bible just isn't very interesting?

    1 Chronicles
    Warning: Do not read while operating heavy machinery.
    1 Adam, Seth, E′nosh, 2 Ke′nan, Ma·hal′a·lel, Ja′red, 3 E′noch, Me·thu′se·lah, La′mech, 4 Noah, Shem, Ham and Ja′pheth. [It gets worse]
  • kurtbethel

    Anyone catch this one?

    "Be reasonable with regard to how much education to pursue. As mentioned earlier, education can help prepare your child for responsible adulthood. (Genesis 2:24) But how much schooling does reaching that goal require?

    Uh, what does Genesis 2:24 actually say?

    New American Standard Bible(©1995)
    For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.

    They have COMPLETELY gone off the DEEP END, picking scriptures that absolutely have NOTHING to do with the point they're trying to make! THAT scripture doesn't have ANYTHING remotely to do with "education preparing a child for responsible adulthood".

    UNLESS their point is, "Girls, don't dream too high: your role in life is to marry a hubby, and bear his children, not to become a Mrs Smarty Pants. Boys, don't get into a non-construction-trade field (such as IT and such things we don't understand), as you just might be tempted to hack into our computer systems in revenge if we decide to DF you."

    News Flash! Most of their scripture quotes have VERY LITTLE IF ANYTHING to do with the point they are trying to make. Their writing is that shoddy these days. Of course, it is important that you do not go to university and get the critical thinking skills to see their deception, and they are very aware of this.

  • Steve_C

    How in the world did I used to believe this stuff?!

  • Leolaia
    They have COMPLETELY gone off the DEEP END, picking scriptures that absolutely have NOTHING to do with the point they're trying to make! THAT scripture doesn't have ANYTHING remotely to do with "education preparing a child for responsible adulthood".

    Hmmm, Adam and Eve did eat from the forbidden Tree of Knowledge....omg that's it!! THEY GOT THEMSELVES SOME HIGHER EDUCATION AND PAID THE PRICE!

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