Ironic new Awake cover...

by cedars 49 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Finkelstein

    Yes, what purpose does a higher education have if this old system of things is going to destroyed soon anyways.

    Higher education never helped humanity and never help people who pursued it..

    Why not becomes a window washer or janitor and spend your other free time preaching and serving god in the pioneer work ?

    One thing that is for certain the GB and past presidents of the WTS. had one single agenda and that is support and expand

    their publishing organization through acts of coercion and exploitation.

  • therevealer
  • Kojack57

    Cedars: They are being exposed for who they are, so now they are trying to put more of a positive spin on letting the public know they not against education. But we know the real deal.


  • Dold Agenda
    Dold Agenda


    I cant know how much you have to go through every day... when you know so much about this (JW)..
    ie all falsehoud etc..

    I am not sure I couldnt take it my self without exploding...

    You must have a wery strong personal agenda right?
    (english is aperently not my native langugae...)

  • cedars

    Notice how the magazine quotes from an authority saying that childhood obesity is down to diet AND lack of exercise...

    physical activity

    As you can see from the above extract, the article writer immediately picks up on the "eating habits" part of the quote - but completely ignores the equally important role of "physical activity". In fact, for the remainder of the article, only dietary adjustments are mentioned as possible ways of combatting obesity, and NOTHING is mentioned about "physical activity" or exercise.

    I scanned down and there was a brief moment of hope where the writer asks the question (of a "real" student) "What did you do besides eliminating unhealthy foods?"

    Here is where you think - "Ah hah! Now surely they will mention something about sports and exercise!"

    No such luck. The answer is simply to REPLACE unhealthy foods with healthy ones. In other words - don't starve yourself.

    "I replaced them with better options. I started with fruits—apples, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and melons. I also added lean proteins to my diet, such as chicken or tuna. In time, those foods became some of my favorites. I try to eat more vegetables and less of the rest of the main course. I find that I’m less likely to overeat at mealtime if I have healthy snacks between meals. Over time, my craving for junk food has diminished."

    That's right. The writers feel compelled to remind us not to starve ourselves if they tell us NOT to eat junk food - just incase we take this as a signal to give up on food entirely.

    It's difficult to comprehend how brainless these writers are. You can get away with this sort of thing in magazines designed only for the rank and file - but the Awake! is written for the PUBLIC! Surely people on the outside will realise how silly this stuff is?


  • DaCheech

    seems like the other kids are doing schoolwork, and this one's posing?

    Doesn't seem like a good example

  • blondie

    So what trade skills does the WTS suggest for young women?

    *** w79 4/1 pp. 10-11 Youths—Are You on the Road to Real Success? ***Christians have often found it advisable to take advantage of standard secular training available where they live. In America a high-school education is frequently of practical value.

    Besides basic studies, such as mathematics, history and the language of the country where one resides, many schools offer courses in fields such as the use of tools and machinery, carpentry, electricity, auto mechanics, and printing. Girls can pursue domestic studies, typing and other secretarial skills, opportunities as medical assistants or other interesting and practical fields of work now open to women.

    *** w75 9/1 p. 543 Questions From Readers ***In addition, the basic education offered by the secular state generally includes practical instruction in mathematics, history and health care. Many secular schools also offer additional training, such as in the use of tools and machinery, carpentry, installing of electrical equipment, car repairing, printing, local crafts, science studies, typing, music and languages. And for girls, they offer domestic studies and training in child care. In view of this wide range of studies available in many countries, teen-age boys and girls, under the direction of their parents, can work out a program of subjects to be learned that will benefit them later.

    *** w71 6/1 p. 337 par. 13 How to Succeed in the Pioneer Service ***Those in school who are planning to pioneer do well to learn a practical trade such as stenography or carpentry—something that will provide part-time work, perhaps some skill that is needed in the area where they live. Some pioneer ministers do cleaning, painting, gardening, washing windows, selling, and so forth. Sisters may do typing, ironing, sewing, washing, baby-sitting.

    *** w71 12/1 p. 733 Why Study in School? ***In many schools there are subjects that teach you the fundamentals of different skills. For young men, there may be courses in carpentry, installing electrical equipment, welding, accounting and others. Young women can take courses in homemaking arts such as cooking and sewing, as well as typing and secretarial work-


    Growing up it was never suggested to me or any young woman at the KH to learn to be a carpenter, electrician, plumber, auto mechanic; typing, dental assistant, etc., was the proper job for a woman. I remember a sister whose family had a construction business and she worked along the men in her family, all jws, doing carpentry, roofing, drywalling, etc. But when it can time to do a KH build, the other men would try to relegate her to the "kitchen" or cleanup work until her father said he wasn't going to have some unskilled brother go up on the roof when his highly skilled daughter was there. I have know concrete workers, electricians, bricklayers, that were all women who learned the trades before becoming jws that 80% of the time were shut out.

    The GB and its helpers are so old and so far from the real world they have no idea that these jobs barely pay to support someone working FT. Only if they live with mommy and daddy until they get married and put their sights on some male jw with a big paycheck.

  • therevealer

    But, but, but-when I toured patterson while still under construction there was a sister driving a huge excavation scraper rig. We were all soooo impressed.

  • blondie

    So why are jw girls allowed to wear pants to school? Wouldn't it be a good witness to wear a dress or a skirt? I'm so old that girls were not allowed to wear pants at school until I was 16. And I went to an urban high school. Suddenly it was okay per the WTS for me to wear pants to school.

    Since jw women are told to wear skirts before and after conventions, does this apply to circuit assemblies, special days, and before and after meetings? The WTS even has pictures of women climbing ladders to pick apples and to go on picnics as they sit on a blanket. I wonder if there are pictures showing them in a dress and heels pushing a vacuum?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    The picture looks more like 'How to Daydream "My Teachers and Fellow Students will be Crushed by Falling Rocks Very, Very Soon Now!" During Social Studies Class.'

    Or "How to Hypno-Meditate on the 'Truth about the Naked Lady and Talking Snake' While Ignoring the Teacher's Lecture on Evolutionary Biology"

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