what is the dumbest thing you've been reproved/chided/df'd for?

by rather be in hades 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • zeb

    handing around the microphone and not wearing a suit coat.

    my wife being told her ankle length woolen skirt in winter was 'worldly'.

    wearing a ring other /as well as the wedding ring.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    i used to run the sound in my old hall. i fell asleep for almost every single watchtower or zoned out and they never reproved me for that.

    then again, it was embarrasing enough as it iwas

  • shepherd

    I wouldn't be surprised if Rocky_Girl is in my dreams tonight too :) But don't worry I won't put it in my diary, or post what happened here....

    The stupidest thing I was corrected for was always sitting closest to the aisle rather than my partner. The elder said it looked more loving to sit on the inside of the row. Honestly!

  • Sapphy

    I don't doubt Rocky Girl's story, but that's amazing.

    Corrupt elduh would probably say she was reproved for an unsubmissive attitude or some crap like that, but even so - being reproved for someone else's dream!

    It's hilarious & I'm glad it helped you out! Thanks so much for sharing.

  • Sheep2slaughter

    I used to run the stage at our hall. We had this uber elder and his hard on was for dress and grooming. One Tuesday day night my shoes had a couple scuffs on them. Mind you that at that time I fully fit into the orgs dress and grooming standard. Always nicely pressed suit, usually French cuffs with cuff links, metal collar stay inserts and shiny shoes. So after meeting he comes up and asks if I think it's an appropriate example to have on dirty unkept attire at meeting? I of course say no, not realizing he was talking about me. Immediatly after my response he says," make sure your shoes are in proper order before trying to set an example for the congregation" and walks off. Douche. A

  • C6H12O6

    - wearing "gothic" jewelry out in service (which was 2 plain black bracelets)

    - wearing dark clothes most of the time

    - painting my nails dark red (i was unaware of the meaning at that time)

    - painting my toenails purple

    - wearing make up as a teenager

    - eating a cheesesteak

    - playing video games

    - underlining my wt with a purple inked pen

    - going to the bathroom during a meeting and field service

    - not witnessing to every 'unbeliever' i know

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    sugar is the devil in disguise ;)

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Chemical symbol for sucrose said:

    - eating a cheesesteak

    What could POSSIBLY be wrong with doing that? Were they upset you didn't offer to share? ;)

  • bottleofwater

    Picking my ears. Mind you... I sat in the last row and this prideful arrogant elder wrote me a note not to do it. But then that guy would always put his head up while walking on the stage to give a talk at a meeting or a convention because he was all high and mighty in his warped head. At least he gave chocolate and candy after the meeting.

  • C6H12O6

    I got counseled by vegetarian JWs.

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