The reason I just can't believe in god

by jambon1 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • witnomore

    I know of many former JWs who have come away not believing in a God at all. To me this is sad, but understandable.

    There is a wonderful website I found, it is called It might answer some of your questions about why God has allowed suffering, might not. I don't know. Whether we believe or not I think having this forum has helped many to cope with having been lied to for so long.

  • cofty

    Before you call me racist and anti semite. Let me say that I believe this is the will of God. - James Brown

    You said it - now let me say you are a racist anti-semite.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I prophecy your exit from this forum very soon James Brown. Within this generation at the very least if not then an overlapping one. I have spoken, it will surely come to pass so saith the Lord. (sorry private joke, you may not understand it) Many will stumble at your foolish words so saith the Lord. (oh the voices in my head)

    But the 1st sentence is correct.

  • Knowsnothing

    If you believe in god, so what? If you don't believe in god, so what?

  • cofty

    If you believe in god, so what? If you don't believe in god, so what?

    So you might want to consider more data and see if your position is tenable.

  • NewChapter

    So, my conclusion is that I must be an atheist. I have felt like this before and having re-examined the issue I still feel the same.

    Human suffering completely removes the idea of the existance of a loving and caring god.

    Hi Jambon, thanks for sharing your story. For me, letting go of god belief was a great relief in this area. On top of all the human suffering that we must deal with, some also live with the belief that a loving god is just sitting there watching it all transpire. Someone with power, wisdom, and ability to intervene but does not. Someone that they call Father, but who would forgive a father for acting this way? Someone they say loves them, but how could love act this way? It twists everything. It perverts love, power and wisdom.

    But once I let it go, it was quite peaceful. Nobody was watching and doing nothing. It took away the burden of being obligated to love someone that clearly didn't love back. It took away the burden of trying to make excuses for this being. It took away the burden of twisting the meaning of love and parenthood in order to still believe there was love there.

    It didn't take away the horrors of what can happen to the human family, but at least I no longer have to carry the weight of believing that it could be stopped in an instant. That was horrible. And it put the responsiblity squarely on my shoulders--and the shoulders of humanity. We cannot pray away the atrocities, we must act. There are no second chances, this life is precious. When someone is led to a death pit, they don't wake up in Heaven. They are dead. We cannot comfort ourselves with this notion, but must act urgently to stop these things. And that is really empowering and humbling. It doesn't make it all better though. But being rooted in reality helps us work out real solutions.


  • donny

    If you want to believe in God, read the bible.

    It was reading the bible that fianlly made me not believe in God or a god. It's a horrible book.

  • ballistic
  • ballistic

    F**k I'm so fed up of my posts njot appearing

  • Knowsnothing
    So you might want to consider more data and see if your position is tenable.

    Cofty, not everyone cares to investigate. The point is, it is the person you are, not what you believe, that matters. For me, it comes down to that.

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