The reason I just can't believe in god

by jambon1 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    While many things helped me realize there is no God, the clincher is the Indonesian tsunami. All those children not old enough to choose to move away from such an environment, swept away by something any omnibenevolent superpower could have/would have prevented.

    In "The Brothers Karamavoz" a main character basically says that even if God fully explained why all the suffering had to take place, and the explanation was totally satisfactory, the price is still too high for His reasons. The main character said "I return my ticket" meaning he would rather not be any part of any purpose God has for Man.

  • cofty

    But my research about the hollicaust is the hollicaust is not what you are lead to believe. - James Brown

    Oh dear have you been talking to Sinus?

    Please for the love of all that is good do some proper research and stop reading internet conspiracy idiots.

    Here is a resource from Emory University

    Start by spelling Holocaust properly.

    mouthy - If Satan is in charge why is life so good for so many?

  • Flat_Accent

    Oh cofty you are setting yourself up here.

    I'm sure the reasoning books answers that question . . . :P

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    The universities are funded by zionist jews.

    The universities are tools of the zionist Jews.

    Before you call me racist and anti semite. Let me say that I believe this is the will of God.

    I'm not going against God, I'm just observing what is happening.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Jesus was Jew, you believe in him dont you? The bible was written by Jews wasnt it, you believe in that? So what's your point?

  • xchange

    And this thread takes a turn for the worse.

  • Flat_Accent


    ~In association with the Jewish/Gay conspiracy~

  • Phizzy

    Thank you for the thread dear Jambon, even if it has got bogged down in idiocy.

    The problem of evil is intractable, as Dostoyevsky showed in the Brothers Karamazov quoted by OTWO, any answer to the problem of evil that includes a power that could do something about it leaves that "power" as immoral in the extreme.

    Those that worship such a God should get themselves a new God.

  • mindseye

    On the issue of suffering and evil, evil comes from God. It says it right there in Isaiah 45:7 (there are theological 'explanations' for this verse, but I find them reaching). Also, read Job.

    If God is the 'ground of being' in which everything we experience comes from, then evil resides there also. Good also comes from God. Both Satan and Jesus eminate from God. You can't have good without evil, no matter how hard you try.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    On the issue of suffering and evil, evil comes from God. It says it right there in Isaiah 45:7 (there are theological 'explanations' for this verse, but I find them reaching). Also, read Job.

    If God is the 'ground of being' in which everything we experience comes from, then evil resides there also. Good also comes from God. Both Satan and Jesus eminate from God. You can't have good without evil, no matter how hard you try.

    My thoughts exactly

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