You know you were a little girl of the 70's/80's

by closer2fine 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • MoeJoJoJo

    10. You had either a "bowl cut" or a "pixie" (not to mention the "Dorothy Hamill") because your mom was sick of braiding your hair. How traumatic when people thought you were a boy.

    That was me in the second grade! The Dorothy Hamill haircut - my mom thought the haircut was so cute so she decided she wanted to give me one. Now, my mom was no beautician so you can imagine. It was so horrible!!

  • nytelecom1
    You are so goddamned stupid that you're not even using the slang "fronting"in the correct sense, idiot.....
    The only New Yorkers that I know that can't speak the slang but TRY to, are the geeks.
    (v) Pretend to be that which you are not; act tough.

    so i guess patty that would make you a geek now wouldn't it...

    You try to come accross as some tough guy but I can see now that your not. i dont think i have ever tried to come across
    as a tough guy as you say....really do you antis
    think how "i come across" on the net is important..please
    patty you should stop directing traffic and get a social life.
  • safe4kids

    Jesus people, how bout not hijacking threads for awhile??!!

    Back to the topic, what memories this brings back! Growing up a witness kid, one of the few fun things we got to do was go skating. Often, there would be a congregation type party at the skating rink. I loved it! Altho I was never very good at itI've always had a problem with balance, which I finally accepted at age 34 after shattering my elbow from a fall off of a skateboard. Now I tend to stay off of things with wheels smaller than the ones on my van

    Ahhh, the music, the disco ball...those 'couples only' skates.....


  • AGuest

    I love stuff like this... may I "play"? (And peace to you!)

    From the 70's:

    1. You wore cut off shorts and bikini top (in So. Calif), and 'window pane' bell-bottoms.

    2. You made "pretzels" in your Pretzel-Jetzel and ate "Incredible Edibles".

    3. You had Tonka trucks (the "real" ones made out of metal) and those "clacker" things (acrylic balls attached to strings that you clacked up and down real fast - and some used to knock their brother's brains out with... or was that the Tonka truck?)

    4. Lincoln logs, Lincoln Logs, Lincoln Logs...

    5. You owned a 2.5 horsepower "mini-bike".

    6. Your roller skates (and your skate board) had metal wheels.

    7. "You thought Gopher from Love Boat was cute"... uhhhh... no.

    8. You were WAY too cool to wear rubber boots. But cool enough... to wear moccasins.

    9. You had "Sea Monkeys" in a jar in your bedroom.

    10. You had a gi-mongous afro... and every night had to braid your hair so that it would be "tight" (cool) the next day. And people did have a hard time telling the boys from the girls... unless there was a goatee or something...

    11. Your "Josie and the Pussycats" sleeping bag was... well, up there.

    12. "You wore a poncho"... oh, yeah, the hand crocheted, granny square ones... "with your faux fur muff"... uh, no, I don't think so... you did that in MY part of town and you were asking for it... "and your clogs"... yep! And don't forget "Candies"!

    13. You thought 'Simon' was cool, but you didn't ask Santa for it. It was the 70's... everyone knew there wasn't no Santa (Vietman kinda proved that...). He didn't reemerge until the 80's... and anyway, what you REALLY wanted was a "black light"...

    14. "You had the Donnie and Marie dolls with those pink and purple shredded outfits"... oh, I don't THINK so! Maybe "Barbie and Ken", but CERTAINLY not Donnie and Marie!

    15. You spent hours at the park on those "merry-go-round" things where you and a bunch of friends run and run and run, while you turn it... and then JUMP ON!! Or you just sat on the picnic table and smoked... uh... oh, sorry... having a "flashback"...

    16. You were into hand-ball.

    17. You had "beading" kits to make every kind of earring and bracelet, and macrame kits to make every kind of plant hanger known in the civilized world...

    18. You kept losing your flip-flops (So. Calif., remember?), so you eventually just went barefoot.

    19. Your "Scooby-Doo" pencil case was cuter than anyone else's"...

    20. "You wanted to be Laura Ingalls Wilder really bad"... no, I think for some "Cher" was the one...

    21. "You wanted your first kiss to be at the roller rink"... uhhhh... hmmm... I guess "different strokes for different folks"... LOL!

    22. "You tried to make sure that no boys would grab"... whatever it was boys would try to grab! You learned how to fight REAL GOOD this way!

    23. Your hairstyle was described as being "big"... VERY big.

    24. You thought Michael Jackson was cute (well, he WAS... back then...)

    25. "Strawberry Shortcake and her friends Blueberry Muffin and Huckleberry Pie." HEY! I remember them! (Uh, my daughter played with that stuff...)

    26. You couldn't wait to wear platform shoes... and BOY'S Converse tennis shoes with you NEW (and never, EVER washed so they always LOOKED new...) Levi 501's.

    27. You bought lunch at school, 'cause only the dorky kids carried a lunchbox.

    28. "You and your girlfriends would fight over"... mostly who would be "Barbie" and who would be "Skipper"... the black ones, of course - LOL!)

    29. You memorized... the theme songs (and/or words) from:

    Gilligan's Island
    The Rifleman
    Bonanza (the "tune")
    and almost every TV commercial ("I can't believe I ate the
    WHOLE thing"... "Mama mia, that'sa spicy meatballa!"...)

    (And you already had the "afro"...)

    30. You had GI Joe action figures, too.

    31. You thought vampires and zombies were real... and wished that Vulcans, Klingons and Cardasians were...

    32. "It was a big event in your household each year when The Wizard of Oz would come on TV. Break out the popcorn"... well, YEAH!

    33. "You wanted to be a part of the Von Trapp family". Okay, okay, I confess... but Maria (Julie Andrews, cause she got the guy, and not the eldest daughter, who was very pretty, but loved a LOUSY guy...)

    34. "Light as a feather, stiff as a board"... "When Polly's in trouble I am not slow..."

    35. You loved Star Trek so much that you thought Capt. Kirk... was a 'demi-god', but seeing the commercials for brought you back to reality...

    36. "You crawled in a wardrobe somewhere and actually believed for a few seconds that you were on your way to Narnia..." (You smoked a... and thought you were on your way to... oh, uh... nevermind... another "flashback"!)

    37. You completely wore out your various Jackson Five albums.

    38. "You tried to do lots of arts-and-crafts things, like yarn-&-Popsicle-stick god's-eyes or those weird potholders made on a plastic loom." (See Item 17, above... oh, and the potholders were made on METAL looms; this was before "sibling rivaly" necessitated everything being made in plastic - See Item 3, above...)

    39. Spades (and Bid Whist!)!

    40. "You used to tape-record songs off the radio by holding your portable tape recorder up to the speaker"... okay, we did that, too, but only after 8-tracks played out...

    41. You couldn't wait for the BOOKS to come from your Scholastic book orders!

    42. You learned everything you needed to know about girl issues from ... the black and white film they always showed in "hygiene" class (or, if you were "lucky"... your older and therefore "more mature" (yeah, right) girlfriends!)

    43. Roach clips!!

    44. You KNEW what Olivia Newton-John's song "Physical" was about because the kids in YOUR neighborhood were "born grown".

    45. Tight hip-huggers with embroidery on the bell-bottoms.

    46. "Jingle" bells and pom-poms you wore on your tennis shoes.

    47. Shoelaces that matched your socks and shirt.

    48. "You wore knickers"... WITH lace-up knee high boots!

    49. "You collected Smurfs". Uh, no. The kids I knew were burning them LONG before the WTBTS said anything about it. They HATED (and, therefore, attempted to destroy) ANYTHING that appeared to be 'goody-goody' (the little "angels").

    50. "You wanted to be a Solid Gold dancer". Who didn't... male and female alike? Okay, the jocks. BUT... they liked the GIRLS on Solid Gold!

    Sorry, folks... I was BORED! BIG time!

    Peace to you!

    SJ (on my own)

  • teenyuck

    Starsky....YUM! He was a real man...those tight jeans, turned up collar and Adidas sneakers. I was so glad that my sister liked Hutch. We did not fight over who would get Starsky when he came looking for me.

    I also fell for John Travolta after Saturday Night Fever...between the opening scene with Stayin Alive playing and his walk...

    I borrowed my one witness friend's Saturday Night Fever album...I never returned it....I did copy all the good songs to a cassette that I eventually wore out!

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Please forgive me for taking away from your thread.
    I just have one last thing to say about nytelecom1...

    and being half spanish and the most athletic kid in school... people didnt think about "fronting" on me.
    Let's see, how am I reading this wrong? Hmm...Okay. So, if you were just half spanish and NOT athletic, then people could pick on you.
    Or, if you were athletic and NOT half spanish, then people could pick on you. Ah! But YOU have BOTH things going for you. So, no one dared try to beat you up. I understand now. Thanks for helping me see the real you.

    im not sure how have come to this coclusion since you
    have not seen me under stressful circumstances...unless
    of course your just pulling 3rd grade mentality...
    You are a coward to make a remark about people with what YOU consider flaws and yet you don't put your self-proclaimed Adonis-like picture on your profile. Thus, anything about your looks that you may say have no merit or foundation.

    In conclusion, here are some facts about you, nytelecom1:
    1) You're a coward.
    2) You got beat up a LOT in school.
    3) You can't spell very well. (principle instead of principal, "coclusion")
    4) You're going to die at Armageddon because you mingle with us so-called Apostates.
    5) You are a hypocrite.

    Your parents must be real proud of you...of course, except the parent whose race you deny.

  • AGuest
    "You must be some type of computer geek with 2 dozen pens in a pocket protecter in your breast shirt pocket."

    And you say that to say what? Computer geeks aren't 'tough'? I dunno...

    SJ, still bored, still playing... and still on my own...

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    My apologies to all for hijacking this thread.
    My contribution:

    ...Alf was your favorite show.
    ...Rocky Balboa was your hero.
    ...A poster of Susan Anton was hanging on your wall.
    ...Farrah Faucett was a hottie.
    ...The J. Giles Band was your favorite group.
    ...You either LOVED the Dallas Cowboys or you HATED them!

  • LDH
    and being half spanish

    Lemme guess.... The other half is BLACK, LOL.

    Not BLACK like Malcolm X or Martin Luther King 'black', but BLACK like DY-NO-MITE! black.

    HA HA HA it is a damn good thing you won't admit you're half black on this board because you would get a real beat-down from TeeJay, Black Man etc.

    That would also explain your fascination with "ebonics," and your obsession with your pocket mirror.

    ummm...lemme guess. You're a New Yorican!

    Ay.... Boriqua!

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.

    1. You traded your sandwich for a box of Lemon Heads at lunch.

    2. You thought contrasting plaids looked good.

    3. You had a crush on Fred from Scooby Doo.

    Lived in Puerto Rico Class

  • nytelecom1

    actually no it is not black.or dominican...(as some get mistaken for)
    the other half would be from a european country..

    but I am shocked at your stereotypes...
    something like that is never funny...
    but i guess i shouldnt expect more from you

    That would also explain your fascination with "ebonics," and your obsession with your pocket mirror.

    how very..very sad

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