Now That You're Out Of "The Truth" What Do You Do With All The Extra Time?

by minimus 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I'm glad to see that our sex lives have improved!

  • whathappened

    Haven't been to a meeting since November of 2010. I'm living the good life.

  • C6H12O6


  • Farkel

    : As a member of a grasshoots movement , I played a small role in helping to change the outdated and tyrannical beer laws in the State of Mississippi.

    :As of July 1st, we are no longer the only State in the nation with a 5% limit on the alcohol content of beer.

    As a new hobby, perhaps you could work on Utah. Their beer is 3.2%. People from Utah used to go to Mississippi just to get loaded!


  • aquagirl

    Well,a lot of my time is sucked up in Satan worship,and doing drugs.Oh and sex.Lotsa sex.What else,oh yeah thievery and swearing and wearing revealing clothing.Whatever time is left I have to use to celebrate birthday,christmas and go to girl scout meetings..

  • WTWizard

    I actually get to sleep without a big fat boasting session in the middle of the way. And no more field circus--instead, I am able to get more worthwhile things done. Things like learning the real truth, putting up "sun worship" decorations and maintaining them, and actually doing something useful on my computer. And finding YouTube videos that are worth downloading, and burning them to DVD so I have something to watch when the trash box is playing nothing but rubbish.

  • Balaamsass

    We have actually HELPED support widows and orphans with community fund raisers...on the evil internet and evil Facebook.

  • BizzyBee

    Mostly, whatever I do, I don't feel guilty that it is taking away from "kingdom interests."

    Spending time with friends, traveling, playing golf, reading books, cooking, exercising, etc., etc. - NO GUILT!

  • Cacky

    I know what you mean about no stress. I have so much less stress in my life now. Lately, I've been painting my shutters and front door (so I can have an execplary home, lol). I like to do that. It is so nice to just relax. I used to stress about weekends trying to figure out when I'd go out in service, get up early on Saturday or make it a looong Sunday. It's wonderful to truly be able to look forward to weekends now! Sometimes I actually find myself bored! That hadn't happened to me once while a jw, because if I did have time on my hands, I was feeling guilty that I wasn't out in service or whatever. It's so freeing to be free from that cult.

  • minimus


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