Now That You're Out Of "The Truth" What Do You Do With All The Extra Time?

by minimus 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    MINIMUS- Great thread ! It's good to let lurking and sitting on the fence JW's see we are living a happy, fulfilling life after exiting the cult.

    My wife and I have many plentiful hobbies and interests ! Lots more time for great sex on the weekends since field service & meetings are non-existent ! We love growing vegetables in our vegetable garden, going hiking, camping, fishing, love to take pictures of beautiful sites. I really enjoy practicing playing guitar and singing when not doing my paying job with my business in leisure moments I have . My son, his girlfriend, and me are starting the process of recording and producing some music we wrote and performed with quality recording equipment we just purchased, so that will be fun the next 4 to 6 months !

    We enjoy taking our dog swimming in local mountain rivers around here too. We read constantly, play Scrabble constantly, enjoy watching movies at home, listening to our CD and record collection , enjoy sunrises, sunsets, and moon vistas in the Sierra mountain skies ! Life is good living in freedom of mind and soul. No more WT society control, it's beautiful

  • Farkel

    I read old Watchtower magazines and books. Can't get enough of 'em!


  • Flat_Accent

    Polish my Oscar.

  • undercover

    Polish my Oscar.

    is that what the kids are calling it these days?

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I read - novels, magazines, interesting stuff - not litter-ature. I relax, I spend time with my kids watching movies, working in the garden, Just Ron and I have a much better sex life. Everything about our life is better, and I wouldn't go back to the borg if they paid me.

  • mrsjones5

    Started a real life with all it's ups and downs. It's been better that being stuck in the drudgery of the bOrg.

  • Magwitch

    Joined a trivia team 2 nights out of the week. Take Sundays to do NOTHING. Maybe watch the grass grow, but that is it. Socialize way more and with people I actually like. From September - December, I spend every single Saturday in my Woman's cave watching college football all day. Holy B'Jeebers - only 7 more weeks - God I love being a heathen.

  • sd-7

    Sleep in on weekends. Oh, man, is it good...I think I got started a little early, though, before I left the JWs...

    Reading. Lots of reading. Catching up on forbidden books and R-rated movies can be nice. I still skim Watchtower literature, of course. I even read the Bible as well, from time to time, though it's been awhile.

    I write--be it here or in my journal. I try not to do the latter at home, though. It upsets the Mrs.

    Mostly, it's what I would've done even if I were still a JW, except I'd avoid stuff that was over PG-13 and/or had magic in it. Though I'd probably let that slide a bit in video games and comic books...

    So I guess getting out didn't mean much other than just not having to be bothered with all the stress and pressure of 'doing more' and elders trying to 'put me to work'--which was never really meaningful work, it's not like we were running a soup kitchen or cleaning up the river or something--and all that crap. But for me, that's still a lot.


  • Botzwana

    Real life kinda sucks...I miss the hope of the new system sometimes. Just knowing one dies and that is it....Sucks.

  • leavingwt

    As a member of a grasshoots movement, I played a small role in helping to change the outdated and tyrannical beer laws in the State of Mississippi.

    As of July 1st, we are no longer the only State in the nation with a 5% limit on the alcohol content of beer.

    Prior to this law taking effect, 87 of the top 100 beers were illegal in Mississippi. We can now purchase Trappist Ales, decent stouts, good IPAs, and other high-gravity beers. This is something that most people in other States and Western countries take for granted. We fought the teetotalers and we won.|head

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