Killing Children= Save Organization

by metatron 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Recently, the vile, reptilian character of the Governing Body slipped through their slick propaganda again.

    I refer to a recent "new outline/public talk" in which a teenager
    with leukemia is mentioned - and a recent Watchtower article
    about special meetings with pictures of GB members - that also
    mentions a young person confronted with the blood transfusion issue.

    I really shouldn't be surprized at the twisted, Satanic character
    of these religious leaders who encourage young people to throw
    their lives away for nothing - whether it's Muslim children
    taught to clear mine fields by running across them or deluded
    Witnesses who think that blood, as a symbol of life, is more
    important than life itself.

    Even after all I've seen and experienced, I still feel
    sick knowing I have to breathe the same air as these
    sorry excuses for human beings.

    The Governing Body has been fully informed about the
    blood issue - they are without defense and cannot give
    answers when challenged because their blood transfusion doctrine
    is a fraud, a lie based on the shabby 'research' of now dead
    Fred Franz. "Because we say so" is no reason for people to die.

    Yet, they continue to trumpet the deaths of young people
    to maintain the ignorant fixations of unthinking crowds
    of Witnesses.

    and for what?
    so they can hold on to power a few more years,
    until their 60 - 70 or 80 year old bodies give out,
    and death overtakes them - before this blood fraud gets known?

    Can it be that these men still believe in God? or basic
    morality? or anything? Have they elevated themselves, in their
    own minds, above mere autographs and self glorifying pictures
    in the Watchtower, to God-like status, excusing the sacrifice
    of innocents, to maintain their positions?

    I once read about ancient rich Romans , who lacking hand towels,
    had young boys standing by, to wipe their greasy hands on their
    hair. Do you really think this sort of behavior by Watchtower
    leadership is much different? Can you get a sense of why child
    molestation means so little to the Society? or why the exodus
    of tens of thousands of young people out of the organization
    barely gets a reaction? Why trouble themselves with common

    I guess there really isn't a hell

    maybe, for some, there ought to be


  • sf

    "Yet, they continue to trumpet the deaths of young people
    to maintain the ignorant fixations of unthinking crowds
    of Witnesses."



    May you ROT, like the fungus that KONtinues to stradle "The WATCHTOWER Walls of THE DISGUSTING THING".


    If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger

  • Farkel

    : Have they elevated themselves, in their
    own minds, above mere autographs and self glorifying pictures
    in the Watchtower, to God-like status, excusing the sacrifice
    of innocents, to maintain their positions?

    Yes. It was either Milton ("five star Hotels in Malta") Henschel, or Ted ("demons around every corner") Jaracz who excused away the tragedy of the absolutely unscriptural alternative military service WT "policy" by saying, "Well, there are always new ones coming in." Get it? "SCREW the dead ones and castaways. We're always getting FRESH MEAT to grind up and then toss away like dirty dishrags."

    By the way Metatron: I resent your calling the GB "reptilian." I'm sure all decent reptiles resent it even more than I do. It's a shameful slam on the good name of reptiles everywhere.


  • metatron

    I apologize for any offense against iguanas, geckos, and
    various slime dwellers.


  • ISP

    Hey Metatron........I missed the talk outline you have a link to the material? Thanks.


  • Kep

    Yeah Metatron,
    I would be in for a read of the outline too.


  • metatron

    Don't have a copy of the talk, but it's reputed to be
    a new talk on the resurrection.


  • 2SYN

    Sigh...the sad thing is, even when you rub stuff like this in the noses of current Dubs, they're so well programmed that their apostate-shields just bounce into place and they ignore you. Yay.

    Sometimes I think the fight is worthless, that we'll never get anything against this lethal mental disease that has overwhelmed so many minds seems unstoppable, doesn't it? Here's a little story that helps to give me a bit of perspective sometimes:

    Pandora, whose name means "All Gifts", was fashioned when Zeus had her created by the Hephaestus to punish the human race , to which Prometheus had just given fire. Pandora was designed in the image of the goddesses, and became the first woman in a world of men. All the gods came forward to endow her with gifts; Aphrodite gave her beauty, Hermes gave her cunning, and other gods and goddesses gave her special qualities such as grace, dexterity, cogency, and so on, while Hepaestus gave her lying and deceit. Finally she was presented to Epimetheus as a gift. Although he had been warned by Prometheus never to accept a gift from Zeus he forgot this promise to his brother and married her. She brought with her a covered earthen vessel (box or jar or barrel), which she was forbidden to open. But its unknown contents plagued Pandora (she had been given curiosity along with everything else). One day she could stand the temptation no longer and lifted the lid to peek inside. Out swarmed all the calamities of mankind, from tidal waves to premature balding. It was too late to stop them as they spread out through the window and across the world. Pandora dropped the lid back in time to prevent the escape of the final occupant of the vessel. This was Elpis (hope), and no matter how bad things became for people there was always hope remaining.

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • moman

    The G.B. are just a bunch of coddled, old fools, who maybe believed in the dream once & now bitter & old their only thoughts are of themselves.

  • nytelecom1
    but it's reputed to be
    a new talk on the resurrection.

    lurkers take note

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