What the hell was I thinking?! Stupid me!!

by freshstart 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • watson

    The "friends" are just following the lead of their god Jehovah, who punishes the son for their father's sins.

  • mouthy

    Wasblind!!!!What a lovely thing to say ....freshstartKeep on going girl your O.K.

  • freshstart

    I'm not due until January, so I've still got a long haul. I've been extremely sick so far in this pregnancy, vomiting almost every day and extremely exhausted. I was telling my husband yesterday that it becomes really depressing because there is nobody to help me during the day when I need it most and then the people that claim to love you (Witnesses, even my Witness relatives) treat you like crap. My mom, the hardcore-borderline-fanatically devout JW, treats us the worst. She and I have always had a volatile relationship, but especially now. She has told me that if we don't become active again then our child(ren) will be destroyed. Now you know I attacked her like a piranha for that one. You can talk about me all you want but as soon as you cross that line and bring my babies into it, shit will fly. But anyway, we're still trying to make real, normal friends...and by that I mean non-Witnesses and what I have seen so far is that they treat you MUCH better than Witnesses do because there is no agenda.

  • ldrnomo

    There is an amazing music program for children from infant to 5 years old. We brought our granddaughter there for 3 years. It was designed by child psycologists to enhance an or wake up their inherent music skills. They get them involved with the other children in the class and also the parents or grandparents. check it out, here is the link


  • freshstart

    Thanks ldrnomo! I found one 15 miles from my home!! :)

  • ldrnomo

    Great, it's well worth if and your son will enjoy it for sure, so will you.

  • Nice_Dream

    Hopefully your nausea will pass soon. I was also sick for my first trimester with my second child and it was no fun!

    If your husband doesn't work weekends, maybe he could take your child to gymnastics, swimming, or another drop in group so you can have a rest? We like to go to Chapters bookstore on Saturdays. They have stories and toys for the children to play with, and I get Starbucks.

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Thanx for sharing your experience at least you really now know.

    Kid's or Kid Space. They're indoor play ground with many toys and play equipment, where little ones gather with their parents. They have become very popular.

    You can also call your local library or book stores to see if they have story book hour. And many places provide artsNcraft hour, surf the net for your area.

  • 00DAD

    freshstart: I could kick myself for wasting three Sundays

    Quit beating yourself up and be glad it only took you three weeks to figure out what it takes some of us decades!

  • so confused
    so confused

    I have the same problem with my baby he is 2 1/2. My husband wants me to go to a mommy groups. Look on craigs list. I have not done it yet. But it may help me and him make some new friends. He just got a new babysiter who watches a bunch of kids he is having a great time with them. He has only gone 3 times so far but seems to love it. I have a video of him with other kids doing london bridges. I worry about that if we get df and he loses his family and his cousin who he plays with. I hope you find something that works. Dont be down on yourself you love him and are trying to do the best for him.

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