Candace Conti video on YouTube - let's send it viral!

by cedars 126 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • DT

    I like the comments explaining the glitches. It adds a nice human element to the video and discussion. Thanks again for putting out this excellent video.

  • cedars

    Thanks DT, it was a pleasure, and thoroughly worth the effort.

    So far the YouTube comments have been only positive, nothing negative so far - although it's early days of course.


  • Found Sheep
  • bigmac

    what can i say--well done on producing this. m



    Man that was Awsome..What a friggin Good Job..


    What a Nice Voice and a Beautiful English accent..

    You could tell me "Piss Off" and I`d enjoy hearing it..LOL!!..

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • cedars

    Haha, thanks OUTLAW! What can I say, I hired the best talent for the job - what could go wrong?! lol...

    Actually, if I'm honest, cantleave takes credit for casting the narrator.


  • Kojack57

    Cedars: That was an outstanding video, well done brother. Thank you Cantleave, nugget, and John Hoyle for your work on this video. That is very moving if I may say so. If anyone in the WTB&TS observe this video and it doesn't move them to effect a change in their policies, they are heartless and deserve every bit of punishment from the superior authorities.


  • mythreesons

    Excellent job on this video! One can only this case starts a snowball that can't be stopped!

  • blindnomore

    Excellent Job! What a lovely voice, Nugget!

    I would like to add my understanding on criminal issue. Yes, it was a civil law suit not a criminal court case. However, I understand perpetrator Kendrick is under the criminal investigation by the local PD. If he were to convictied in a criminal court on this case, the Watchtower or at least local elders can be criminally investigated for the crime of Obstruction of Justice.

    For example, if Kendrick were to convicted for the 1st degree felony, they will be convicted for the 1st degree misdemeanor if found guilty. FYI, the offense for failing to report child sexual abuse as priest in many States is 2nd degree misdemeanor. The priest is required to report it within 72 hours from learning a crime. The confession of child sexual abuse is not protected by the Eccesiastical Privillage in most state.

  • Fernando

    Well done Cedars, cantleave and nugget!

    I hope to have a small part in getting the views to 1 million and beyond.

    Maybe some of us can link to the video when posting comments on the newspaper websites where this story appears.

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