Candace Conti video on YouTube - let's send it viral!

by cedars 126 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Cirkeline

    Thank you Cedars. This video has made a deep impretion on my daughter who is now finally waking up. She is so disapointed that the ones (jw) she talks to about this wount either listen or check for themselves. Really good work!

  • cedars


    Thank you Cedars. This video has made a deep impretion on my daughter who is now finally waking up. She is so disapointed that the ones (jw) she talks to about this wount either listen or check for themselves. Really good work!

    Thanks so much for telling me about your daughter. That experience alone makes the time and effort put into making this video worthwhile.


  • jemba

    Fantastic guys, so professional!! Thankyou

  • cedars

    Thanks jemba!

    We're now on 1,484 views - incredible!!


  • Balaamsass


    Thankyou again! The You-tube link attaches quite nicely to Face Book emails. I am emailing it to all the JWs I know who have doubts, were victims, or had family member victims. It would be great if you could have someone do a Spanish Voice over. Most of the US "growth" is in Spanish halls. Those families need to know this info, and your format and approach is perfect!

  • cedars

    Well, I'm prepared to give it a go if there's anyone out there who can speak Spanish with a nice voice and match the exact same timing!!

    We're now on 1,800 views - get in!!!


  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    My daughter Emma speaks Spanish (as a first language) but I think it might be too upsetting for people to hear it in a child's voice. If no-one else comes forward I will ask her for you.

  • cedars

    Thanks Amelia - the offer is still open to do the video in Spanish. Obviously, the captions and titles will need to be translated too, and I will need shots of the relevant pages in the Elder's manual in Spanish. Perhaps it would be best to get an adult to do the voiceover, as you suggest. I'll wait to see who steps forward.

    Thanks so much for your hard work in spreading the video on Twitter. We're now on 3,051 views (93 likes, 2 dislikes) - unbelievable!!


  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    So proud of you all, what a fabulous job! Well done to all involved, will be glad to share the good news with others Awesome job x

  • poppers

    Yeah, nice job.

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