What's with all the abusive believers?

by NewChapter 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • ammo

    Sab hey, look I guess I had just come off the fernando thread and than this just felt like a retaliation thread, when to be honest to ME it felt like fernando was merely asking a question and trying to understand maybe where/why/how non believers felt. I have not jumped on the atheist/believer threads before because to behonest it just seemed like chasing one's tail, to be honest I am at the 'I don't know what the f.. I believe point in my life after full on believing, and I am up for hearing others views I guess I hate it when things get a bit snide or tit for tat.

    At the moment I am reading my arse off trying to come to some sort of conclusion other than what has been ingrained from the watchtower and I can be the sort of person that has a stupid childlike hope that because we are all here due to the 'JW Experience' we can be reasonable with each other, I have only ever joined on ICU and this site to be honest, ICU was filled with really abusive aholes when you went into the religion thread, it was disgusting, muslims, christians,etc all going hell for leather at each other like a mini version of whats going on all over the world- ATTACK cos you don't think like I do. After getting on here I guess the main thing that really blew me away was how civil most people are and genuine in responses of help.

    I REALLY do think thats one good thing about all being part of the JW Org that somehow in an underlying way most here can have a compassion for others, and a gentleness not always displayed amongst people. It also felt like what we had been told about the apostate sites was BS that they can be resonable, factual and not be driven by a crazed hatred. After I sent my msg I did kinda think "who the hell are you too tell people how to be or determine whats offensive' so I do get what your saying, and its healthy, I guess all this independant thinking and fresh air is making me jump the gun a little.


  • NewChapter

    UH OH---my retaliation thread is falling behind the other thread. Above all, it must beat the monkey thread! I realize the satire was lost on many here, but that is okay. I found it HYSTERICAL.

    and that goes for atheists too.

  • Berengaria

    I'm here to help NC

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I figured with the latest hot topic there would be new trolls trying to defend there child abusers...

  • palmtree67

    Hi, Beksie

  • sizemik

    Nothing much to say . . .

    Just a thread-bolstering contribution to help out my wise and faithful sister-Atheist NC (peace and goodwill to you my fellow non-believer).

    Have you read the latest edition of Science Digest sister? . . . oooh it's yummy! I found it so fact-strengthening.

  • NewChapter

    I don't know Size. I find I don't need Science Digest. It's a crutch you see. I am perfectly capable of observing the natural world and coming to my own scientific conclusions! Sci Di is written by imperfect scientists with an agenda.


  • shamus100



  • NewChapter

    *sniff, sniff* Was there a ......MONKEY in here?

  • shamus100

    ** leaps into NC's lap, sobbing... curls up like a cat, sucks thumb, falls asleep **

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