What's with all the abusive believers?

by NewChapter 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    " If someone is going to have a world view that is percieved as unlawful by a large group of people living in the same country then they are going to have be on the up and up and try to stay out of trouble. It's an unfortunate circumstance for the unbeliever because they will have to allow what they feel to be double standards in others while remaining true to their stance against double standards personally"

    Dont Ask, Don't Tell...it's a good thing. Stonewall my arse, gays and lesbians back in the closet the lot of you!

  • elderelite

    Damn palmie.... Been a hell of a day here at work and i realllllly wanna get lit up :-D

  • palmtree67
    Damn palmie.... Been a hell of a day here at work and i realllllly wanna get lit up :-D

    I'm on holidays! Today I had cheesecake for breakfast!

  • shamus100


    Don't abuse your body like that. You disgusting person! >:O


  • mrsjones5

    " believers should get special treatment"

    Oh boy

  • shamus100

    Plumbtree!!! Go for a run now! >:O

    Oh, this thread is ever so upsetting....

  • sabastious
    Yes, the believers here keep saying they are deserving of special treatment.....I'm sorry, but I very much disagree.

    True personal responsibility brings about lasting peace, palmtree. It was something that Christ taught and it's that message that has been warped, lost, found and rewarped into something it never was for many different purposes. It's a bit of a misrepresentation of me to say I think believers are deserving a special treatment. If it's peace that is the goal, then the party who asserts that they are the rational group need to be the consistently rational ones. It's not that I am saying believers are in the right or anything, I am saying that the atheists have created a pickle for themselves. Atheists believe they have superior morals to believers, this is an important point to remember. Believers have faith in the morality contained in scripture and the mouth of prophets. They have a built in scapegoat whereas the intellectually honest group doesn't.

    A believer who asserts that gay people are sinners as we all know are very much controlled by the society they reside within. Can anyone change this in the moment? No, in fact the only known way of getting a populace to accept alternative lifestyles is to wait for them to die while trying to secretly educate their children. The education will not affect them all so the future generations will continue the prejudice and you will have to wait for them to die too.

    But thank you for finally admitting what the rest of the believers here deny - *you* are the ones with the double standard. And the lack of rational thought structure.

    I put myself in a different category altogether. I am a peacemaker which will always try their best to see both sides, no matter how grimm and unpleasent. I am not a religious fundamental, but I am a theist. An atheist who sees no difference between theism and religious fundamentalism are just going to have to deal with the consequences of that misconception.

    Sab ---you are ridiculous. UH OH---Let the believing brigade come and call me out---but I do not take this back. You are ridiculous. You have absolutely no respect for civil rights---you reduce believers to impulsive children---and you have offended both believer and nonbeliever. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO ABUSIVE? LOL

    Your language could be considered abusive as well. I do respect civil rights more than you know, or can know.


  • NewChapter

    Atheists believe they have superior morals to believers

    Nope---not necessarily. You are making things up again.

    Your language could be considered abusive as well.

    I don't think abuse means what you think it means. I'm allowed to call a ridiculous thing ridiculous-and what you wrote was ridiculous----now if you wnat to play the vicitm card and claim I abused you---so be it. It's a trend here.

    And LOL to peacmaker===your way of making peace is to give believers whatever they want so as not to upset them---even if they are violating your civil rights--oh my--don't upset them though. They are more EMOTIONAL, and you nonbelievers will just have to put up with any abuse they dole out, cuz, golly gee, you don't want to hurt their feelings.

    Ridiculous again---go ahead---call me abusive.


  • sabastious
    Nope---not necessarily. You are making things up again.

    I'm sorry I don't have every sect of your religion accounted for as you seem to. Theism on any level is immoral in the atheist world and on most levels even the idea of an impersonal God is. You are just trying to make yourself and your world view appear better looking than it really is. Very common among aggressive atheists because the aggression they have is not in all atheists. The ones that have the aggression are trying to make up for something personally where it's not appropriate to do so. I see a clear distinction between two types of atheists. And by type I don't mean sect of atheist piety, but rather a classification of the ideology. One is aggressive and satirical and the other is intellectual and contemplative. The former creates war and the latter creates peace. The latter in it's purest form would be someone capable of understanding the side of the believer without any malice towards even their ideas. They see the human in the believer whereas the aggressive non believers want what they percieve to be inhuman out of the person.

    I don't think abuse means what you think it means. I'm allowed to call a ridiculous thing ridiculous-and what you wrote was ridiculous----now if you wnat to play the vicitm card and claim I abused you---so be it. It's a trend here.

    You outdo your already painfully apparent arrogance. I am not ridiculous and your opinion is not some official document. I said that what you said could be considered abusive, which you conveniently ignored.

    And LOL to peacmaker===your way of making peace is to give believers whatever they want so as not to upset them---even if they are violating your civil rights--oh my--don't upset them though. They are more EMOTIONAL, and you nonbelievers will just have to put up with any abuse they dole out, cuz, golly gee, you don't want to hurt their feelings.

    The position I take is not in defense of the believers feelings, but simply an admitence that they are unavoidable. Attacking a strong believer is never a good idea and I have seen evidence for this conclusion time and time again on this forum. Even if the believer's belief attacks your person you should use your rational mind and separate the belief from the person (something the believer may be incapable of doing). Belief is mysterious and is not something that should be considered cut and dry at all. It is delicate because it's tied to upbringing and a slew of other emotional things. Atheists basically are trying to give believers physcotherapy when they are not aware. One of the first rules in therapy is that it cannot be given to someone who doesn't acknowledge the use of it. Calling a believers belief monsterous will only create contention and bad results. Therefore as the entity with the superior rationale and therefore the superior ethics and morals they need to avoid the bad results that they can predict whereas the other cannot. The reason they cannot may very well be due to an irrational emotional tie to an idea, but they might not be ready to let go of their security blanket at the moment. Forcing the matter is abusive.


  • mrsjones5

    Eh, what happened to the happy happy joy joy?

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