Name Things You Did As A Witness That You Weren't Supposed To Do
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Mr. Falcon
let's see. booze. porn. fornication. gambling. smoking. poaching (and i don't mean eggs). stealing. lying. violent video games.
What about when you murdered Ellis there Mr. Falcon?
I used to read all night with a flashlight under the covers (books -- BAD!). I went to a concert with a guy from work when I was 17, just before I left. (Supertramp and Rare Earth, now what 17YO could turn THAT down? I ask you!!! oh, and no kiss or nuttin'!)
nancy drew
I thought, critically. I guess that's why I'm out now.
Ahhh yes i remember. Cheating on your field service report card. Going out drinking. Or the best one, chatting on AOL with someone who i thought was a complete stranger, having the conversation going the sexual path, then getting asked if i would to meet her to hook up. I said yes, of course. Then half an hour later after driving to the rendez-vous place, finding out that it was the presiding overseer's daughter, who had a thing for me and purposely posed as a stranger to try to hook up with me.
Sometimes it depends on whose "conscience" I offend, ie, whose grain I plucked on the Sabbath.
I loved to read fantasy and loved the Lord of the Rings films. In some people's minds, that made me worse than Hitler.
I read books I wasn't suppose to. I snuck into movies I wasn't suppose to. I later got into smoking, but not a habit at that time, just used it to tick off mom (long story), kissed a boy (gasp!) did some "petting" (faint!) All in all, pretty generic stuff.
The non-generic stuff came later.
RedVIp that is an awesome story! Please continue!