They just said at the WT study that the wife needs to suck it up in a abusive home.

by life is to short 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I was beyond shocked at this I do not know why I am shocked and I am shaking as I type this. I decided to tie in by the phone line today, I live on the west coast and they are only on paragraph 3 yet a "brother" who had been an elder for years and who's wife left him years ago he is in his late 50's now just commented about Selma and he said 'that later in the study it talks about a study who's husband was abusive physically and verbally, yet when the study complained the sister studying with her reminded her of who was the christian and the study realized that she was in the wrong and so her husband came in the truth.' He said it is such a good example of how we should be.

    I truly feel like throwing up. The conductor said this is a really good point thanks for bring it up early. The conductor is the elder who's only child his son committed suicide because this elder shunned him.

    They are still only on par 6 right now.



  • palmtree67
    when the study complained the sister studying with her reminded her of who was the christian and the study realized that she was in the wrong and so her husband came in the truth.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Domestic Violence for Jah

  • cedars

    If he leapt on the experience with such enthusiasm in his opening remarks, then he might just be the kind of sicko that would revel in dishing out Steve's violent behavior himself.

    Men who hit women aren't real men at all.


  • Gayle

    I am nauseous!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    The GB have revealed themselves for the real assholes that they really are

  • Lozhasleft

    Awful. Maybe they anticipated some controversial comments and got in their support and alliance with the GB before that could happen

    So sickening.

    Loz x

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I don't think the GB or the writers of this pathetic article see any issue with it

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    OK so they have just gotten to the paragraph. One sister said that Selma could have very well been talking about a Bible point to her husband and it could have pushed him over the limit to hit her and she should have known better. The sister then went on to say that bottom line Selma need to learn to love her husband batter. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is from a pioneer sister who is now in her 80's. This women came into the "truth" in the 1950's when she had three small boy's. She went out in service all the time once she became a JW dragging her boys with her and acted like a single women from her own stories that she tells everyone. She totally disregard her husband. Her husband was flipping out and said to her one day 'you love this Jehovah more than me.' She tells this stroy all the time. She looked her husband in the eye and said "you got that one right!" Her husband promptly left her for another women and she plays the victim now saying her husband left her over the 'truth'. For years I believed her until I finally woke up to the fact that this religion is crap. I used to really like this women, how could I have been so blind, this women is truly evil, really I mean how could she of all people say comment on this. She has no room at all to point any finger. I am truly just speechless and so very made at myself for even liking this women.

    There were two other commits after this both saying that yes Selma needed to show more love for Steve and on to the next paragraph.

    I need to take a shower and calm down maybe have a huge glass of wine and think happy thoughts because I am so pissed right now I want to cry.


  • Think About It
    Think About It

    LITS all fairness, did you really expect anything different? Go have your wine now, and relax the rest of the day. No "new light" on this subject.

    Think About It

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