They looks so old and tired.

by jam 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • vinnie-xj

    Come on Finkeistein, tell us how you really feel, don't hold back now!

  • blindnomore

    Welcome! vinnie-xj

  • smiddy

    Welcome vinnie-xj

    Do you have a story to tell us about your experiences ?

    please be free to share,


  • Kojack57

    There are going to be a lot of old and tired looking jdubs around as they see the years go by and no hint of the big (A) coming.

  • WTWizard

    There is an explanation to this.

    One illustration might be something like a cavity in your tooth. Suppose it is in a spot where you can monitor it yourself. It grows a few microns per day, and you scarcely notice it getting bigger. However, when you go back to the dentist in 6 months, the cavity has grown a whole millimeter. You never noticed it because it was such a tiny amount per day--but, to the dentist, it is a major change.

    The same happens when we go to the Kingdumb Hell all the time. You see very tiny changes, and think nothing of them. They see you gradually getting fatter, more gray hairs, more wrinkled, and so on. However, it is tiny changes at a time. Like the cavity that grows a few microns per day, it is barely noticeable to those who you see all the time. But, when you skip a few years of boasting sessions, it is now like that cavity that grew a whole millimeter since the last visit. Those microns add up, and now they are one big change. Of course, they are going to look older and more tired because of that--it was happening all the while.

    The real question is, are these changes happening faster in those who are still in than in those who left? Or, if you leave the cancer, are you getting older and more tired at a slower rate than while you were still in? Perhaps, that cavity would have grown 2 millimeters within the 6 months if you went to the dentist 3 times a day.

  • DesirousOfChange

    They look older and more tired and stressed out because many do not have the energy or financial means to "take care of themselves". Let's face it, some of the do and they look great. Frankly, I think it's mostly a matter of economics. The JDubs who are financially well off get their hair done, get manicures, pedis, visits to the spa, etc., have a fashionable wardrobe, (and maybe even have a nip & tuck here and there -- or OMG, maybe a boob-job). They look GREAT!

    But since most JDubs are not among the financially well off, they dye their own hair (maybe), don't spend their limited income for extravagant things and they shop at Goodwill or while Yard Sale Witnessing for last year's styles or at least modest, frumpy clothing.

    I don't think there is really that much difference do to the religious beliefs as there is because of their cultural background or economic status. Instead, some other religions seem more extreme, such as Pentecostals who avoid any use of makeup, etc. or Mennonites who dress "modestly".



  • Phizzy

    I guess the Dubs I run in to think I look old and tired, and by christ they would be right !

    Mind you, a lot of the problem is that since leaving I've been partying damn hard !

    What surprises me when I see them is how the kids have grown up, again this is because not being there, I remember them as they were, and now they have grown, the little chiselers have a nasty habit of doing that.

    Have you ever seen a Press photo of a JW convention ? The audience looks either old and tired or just f***ing weird ! They need to look at themselves a bit.

  • blindnomore

    Actually I have been told by my non-JW friends and family that I look 10 years younger since l unshackled myself from slavery.

    The thing is that they don't even know my current status with the borg. They think I have found the fountain of Youth or something.

    So You all chin up and don't let slavery bozos ruin your perfect days!

  • d

    This is so true.I have some Jw's I saw as when they were just small children almost teenagers and some full grown adults.I do feel old seeing them.As for others I see they not look old but also washed out and it is sad to see that,people who spent most of their lives in this religion looking to a better life that will never come.

  • d

    I see too I saw a guy I knew who was witness at the supermarket and I have been for 4 years and within that time, this man looked so washed out and drained it is amazing to see the changes that have taken place within a short period of time.

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