Is this $h!t Written for Idiots?

by Yan Bibiyan 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wallsofjericho

    people who cause suffering

    so I guess that means all non-JW's?

    ya, that's what I thought. Sounds better than just coming out and saying that, this way they won't learn what an asshole god is until they are already brain washed and won't realize that whenever the GB says people will die it ALWAYS MEANS EVERYONE BUT JW'S

  • Zordino

    And remember folks, these invisible people also see you when you're on the toilet. When I was a kid and was naive enough to believe that idiocy, it always bothered me when I was in the bathroom. So Silly..

    The WT's are written for Nit Wits.

  • Leolaia

    I'm just amazed how dumbed down the mags are now.

    "Angels helped a righteous man named Lot. He lived in a city that God had determined to destroy because of the people’s badness" "Bad people have done bad things in the name of religion" "Just as many people on earth have acted badly by disobeying God, so also in heaven many angels have rebelled against God. Disobedient angels are called demons. Foremost among them is Satan, the Devil. Satan and his demons are misleading mankind", etc.

    Second grade reading level, if that.

  • bennyk

    But, LEO, you have to understand that this is the public edition. It is written specifically for those who have not (yet) benefited from "theocratic education".

  • WTWizard

    Angels helping mankind? For what, so they can be enslaved to Jehovah? About all angels ever did for me is to mislead me into rubbish and prevent Satan and his demons from leading me into spiritual enlightenment and salvation. Using rules that are designed to prevent spiritual growth, religions that are rubbish, wasting money on the Beyonder guide (a rule book that blends Islamic principles with Wicca), then some evangelist mail scam (including sending me a slab of clay with instructions that I am clay in Jehovah's eyes to be molded as he saw fit--Nigeria and all), some born agains trying to Christianize me, and finally the witlesses stomping out all opportunity for fulfillment in my life. Helping? Hardly.

    About all the angels do is hold us back spiritually. Thanks to them, we had the First Dark Ages. Thanks to them, we have wars that go on for decades and are not about taking control of resources. Thanks to them, we have sexual hangups. Thanks to them, we have stupid rules. And thanks to them, we are headed for enslavement that is the cross between the worst of the Law of St Benedict and Sharia Laws. I don't think the angels are helping up--they might have helped the Jews to print the LIE-ble, they might have helped Christian and Muslim leaders to enslave segments of the population and destroy indigenous religion in foreign lands, but they are not my friends.

  • jwfacts

    I could never understand this. Angels help with the preaching, but cannot help people that are suffering. How does that work?

  • steve2
    I could never understand this. Angels help with the preaching, but cannot help people that are suffering. How does that work?

    Me too. Jehovah is depicted as intervening to help building projects and isolated acts of preaching - but steps aside from doing anything about actual human suffering and misery. Like the religious zealots he presumably spawned, he is too heavenly-minded to be earthly minded.

  • sizemik
    ... but steps aside from doing anything about actual human suffering and misery.

    Very un-Christlike . . . just sayin'

  • Quentin

    I'm just amazed how dumbed down the mags are now...Second grade reading level, if that.....Leolaia..

    You beat me to the punch. I would go so far as to say it sounds like a bedtime story you tell a toddler. Read it out loud, you'll see what I mean. Gotta chock down the pablum first, meat comes later.

    I could never understand this. Angels help with the preaching, but cannot help people that are suffering. How does that work?....jwfacts

    Because the GRAND PREACHING WORK takes precedence over and above ALL things. Besides, those that suffer are living in sin, some being evil as well, they deserve what they get. Wicked, sinful people don't love jehovah, or they too would be out hammering doors, then their loving father would send some angles around to protect and help them. See how simple that is.

  • Phizzy

    I must be so wicked, I cannot see anything to love about "Jehovah".

    Dem Angels dun gonna let dem demunz get me, must be true, read it in de Wotchtoer.

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