desensitization from the Jehovah's witnesses

by Star tiger 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Star tiger
    Star tiger


    This is no bull crap just listened to some Kundalini medative music on Youtube and it'ds blasted through my head, Whoo I'mnot sure if it's done me any good, it's hurting now guys, and oh no I've run out of beer!!!

    This is no lol situation,it's actually happening


    Star Tiger

  • d

    I started other religous works and doing research on the Jw's.I also started looking into more about Proproganda and mind control.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I guess I'm going for the "worldly" things like education, career, taking care of myself and my health so that I'll be able to live a long and satisfying life, planning for a family and retirement, sleeping late and having fun on weekends.

  • double07

    In response to HillaryJean, I think you'd probably kill yourself if you did the opposite of everything said in the YPA book. Exiting the religion does not mean you have to do the opposite of everything they do. Much of what they teach is, frankly, sound advice (avoiding drugs, moderation with drinking, promoting good relations with others, etc...), and because of that it is perfectly possible for some JW's to live happier, more fulfilling lives than "wordly" people.

    What bothers me is their "holier than thou," "we are always right" attitude. I certainly don't agree with all of their teachings, but I haven't ditched every one of them, as some of them I agree with. The ones I still agree with are not really "teachings" specific to JW's, but rather, common sense advice that everyone would do well to apply!

  • tornapart

    I think this kind of reaction is quite common. It's like kids who have had such strict upbringing that once they are free of it they just break out completely and go haywire. Sometimes not always to their advantage. It's good to break free but not go so crazy you do yourself harm.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Well it took me a while. Hubby had a big list of movies to watch. I read a dozen books and now in the "social" faze I go out when I can!!!

  • fugue

    I've done it, too. I was a born-in, so I never experienced anything in the world. Spent time as an elder, pioneer, etc. Finally saw the flaws in the borg and disassociated at age 41. In the year and a half that I've been out, I've done some desensitizing, too. And I've done it for the exact reason you gave. It has been a way of forcibly breaking my subconscious resistance to breaking the wt's rules.

    The night my DA letter was read, I planted an American Flag in the front yard. I now smoke, even though I know it's a harmful and stupid habit. I have watched The Exorcist, Paranormal Activity, and several other "demonic" movies. I went to a fortune teller and had my palms read, plus had my tarot cards read. I registered to vote. I've donated blood as frequently as I'm able to. I participated in a Catholic mass (even though I'm atheist now.) I've done all of the holidays. My house had the most Christmas lights of any house on my block. (My neighbors were probably like... wtf?? Since when do we have to compete with THAT guy???)

    One thing I haven't done is fuck around, but that's because I love and respect my wife. If I wasn't married to her, I would do whatever the fuck I wanted to do.

    Basically, I look at it this way: I gave the first half of my life to the lies of the washtowel under the guise of worshipping j-ho. I am dedicating the second half of my life to disrespecting j-ho in any way I can.

  • d

    I listen to more about politics and read more and I dare to question things.

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