has anyone else watched this? i thought it was really funny!
by independenthinker 21 Replies latest jw friends
Yea. I have a copy. My only two gripes:
No mention of JWs...but they are so insignificant compared to the major religions I can understand. But it would have been nice to see them mentioned during the shunning part that he focused on with the Mormon church. (a positive of not having JWs mentioned however, is that you can maybe get a JW to watch it. While they would probably take delight in seeing Mormons and Catholics made fun of, it might nudge them in a direction of, "are we just as gullible and silly"?)
They did over do the Horus/Jesus comparison. I don't remember all the details, but if I remember correctly they over simplified the comparison and may have bought into some erroneous comparisons even.
Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Found Sheep
i don't see anything
I thought it was funny. I watched a tiny marathon and followed the movie up with Jesus Camp. Watching the two together made it even better.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
I can see why Maher kept the Witnesses out. He was making more of a political point, and since Witnesses are completely isolated from this process, it makes no sense to harp on them. At least with the Mormons and evangelicals, he could point to several prominent politicians who subscribe to those beliefs. Unless he wanted to make fun of Prince, he had no reason to bring it up.
A really good documentary / commentary on religion. Funny, yet some very serious and reflective points made. My wife and I own it on DVD. Just watched it again about 3 months ago
I thought it was pretty good. He wasn't rude. (I thought he was kind of callous to that one guy he asked why he didn't kill himself if he was so looking forward to being with him after he died, or something like that - but I find the question, why don't you kill yourself - to be a cruel and callous question as it is) No one was rude back to him. The only disapointing part of the movie was that he (or his producers) threw in that horus/jesus and other comparisons into the movie, just like it is from zeitgeist and those other places, and that stuff just is not accurate. But if I ignored that, then I didn't mind the movie at all.
The part that I found funniest was when he talked to that priest, or monk or whatever, in Rome and the guy said we don't understand anything. Is there a god, no god, we have no idea. Something like that. But it was humorous, and Maher's expression was priceless.
I can see why Maher kept the Witnesses out. He was making more of a political point, and since Witnesses are completely isolated from this process, it makes no sense to harp on them.
That's a good point. From a political commentator's viewpoint, one could see that the JWs don't play a part in the normal politcal process, thus why drag them into his documentary.
But - OTOH - Maher openend and closed the movie at the literal spot claimed to be Har-Magedon and made references to the war to end all wars. Anyone who knows JWs beyond their door knocking and blood stance, knows that JWs believe in a literal Armageddon that is going to destroy all governments. Can't get much more political than that. In that sense you could drag them into the foray.
Overall though, despite our interest in it, adding the JW angle wouldn't have added anything to the discussion. JWs really are that insignificant, much to their chagrin, I'm sure...
Maher is a comedian and his film was very entertaining.