Were Elders told to mention the Faithful Slave / Governing Body / Organization more?

by pirata 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • pirata

    As of 5 years ago in my congregation, the "Faithful Slave" was rarely mentioned in talks, prayers, etc. Usually it was all about Jehovah, and Jesus got his token phrase at the end of a prayer with "In Jesus Name, Amen".

    Now, in the past couple years I've noticed, especially since the elders have gone to the elders school, almost everytime an elder prays, and in many of the talks, there is mention of the faithful slave, organization, or Governing Body. "Thank you Jehovah for giving us your organization, which provides us food at the proper time", "How thankful we are that the Faithful Slave provides..", etc.

    For any elders who went to the elders school, did they specifically say to build more appreciation in the organization, faithful slave, etc. in prayers and talks?

  • baltar447

    I doubt it. But let's face it the tone of the literature has been that way so they're probably just echoing the bullsh!t. That and elders are eternal such ups so they think that jar hoover is going to bless them for kissing the GB's ass at every oppotunity.

  • seenitall

    COs and DOs are pushing in their comments, suggestions, prayers and other ways that FDS is Mother and needs are unified support. If not, then we are going against the arrangement and will be judged adversely. They know where the bread & butter are coming from and want everyone else to jump on board. The company tagline in pushed along. If they dont push it, they are viewed as non-company, get counseled by uppers and get the boot.

    the new tagline is "Obey them", "They know what is best", "We can not think for ourselves, since they do all of it for us, we trust them, Jesus has entrusted them and if we don't we will be following Satan".

    Fear of thinking for oneself is at an all time high.

    the new District Convention theme highlights that - "Safeguard Your Heart" - in other words "Don't Trust Yourself, your Heart or your Mind".

  • Phizzy

    Why don't they just come clean and change the name to The Church of the Governing Body ?

    The more they stress this the more it could come back to bite them in the arse, when I was an active JW I used to wonder at all the urgings to be loyal to, listen to, "follow", etc these men I couldn't name and would never meet, in the end it struck me as a call to Idolatry.

    It wasn't long before the whole house of cards fell down for me and I left, but the GB screeching for worship of them was one of the things that made me wake up.

  • Sauerkraut

    Phizzy, that's how I feel right now. For the past year and a half I've felt increasingly troubled by how the Faithful and Discreet Slave Governing Body are emphasizing their own importance and how we have to absolutely obey and follow them. If you take the parable of Jesus it's as if the Slave tried to keep the Master out and locked all doors. Too bad there are master keys... To me it's evident that the Faithful Slave aka. Governing Body disregard Jesus' teachings and are not guided by spirit. With all the failed predictions in the past decades and other things it's no wonder they don't want the sheep to research on the net. Truth is bad.

  • simon17

    This is how group think and peer pressure work. Fads and trends don't become popular because people are on the streets urging people to do a certain thing, wear a certain style, or speak a certain way. People see other people doing it and they follow along. All the WTBS has to do is set the example and the flock will figure it out and join in in short order. Ex: no one has to say "don't wear pant-suits." They just have to have no one in any assembly demonstrations have them, never show pictures of women in pantsuits in their publications, etc. Humans are great at picking up on these subtleties and molding themselves to fit the patterns around them

  • Londo111

    I have noticed this. Over time, it has gone from "The Faithful and Discreet Slave", to "the Faithful Slave", to now just "The Slave." "The Slave" is the first person of the Watchtower Trinity. Jesus seems to be viewed simply as a member of Jehovah's organization, a principle member, but still a member. Therefore, the organization, "Mother", is greater than Jesus.

  • Quendi

    In my very last meeting with my judicial committee two years ago, I was told that I would not be reinstated unless and until I acknowledged the WTS as God's "exclusive channel" for dispensing truth to humanity. This demand had nothing to do with my original "sin" or offense. It came as a result of my telling the committee that the Society's publications were "inadequate, incomplete and insufficient" and that how was it that isolated groups or individuals could gain Jehovah's blessing without reading the publications but everyone else had to?

    I think that for the most part, those who have been disturbed by this worship of "the slave" have already left the organization or they are fading as quickly as they can. For it is now quite obvious that not even God Almighty is as important to JWs as the WTS is. What will these same Witnesses do when their beloved organization crashes into ruins? I hope we will soon find out.


  • blondie

    But the WTS does condemn communities at Armaggedon who aren't jws by that time.


    *** w52 6/1 pp. 344-345 Fixing Destinies in This Judgment Period ***


    13 In view of the eternalness of the destruction of those slain by Jehovah at Armageddon, some will ask about those who may not personally hear the message, especially in some lands that prohibit the witness work. In addition to family responsibility the Bible shows a communal or community responsibility, where a community upholds or goes along with rulers that persecute Jehovah’s people or are otherwise wicked. Did not the Egyptians suffer plagues because of Pharaoh’s hardness? (Ex. 5:1, 2; 9:13-16) Did not the Amalekites suffer for generations afterward because of Amalek’s opposition to Israel in the wilderness? (Ex. 17:8, 14, 16) King Saul brought trouble on Israel years after his death. (2 Sam. 21:1) David’s sins brought punishment upon the people. (2 Sam. 12:10-23; 24:10-17) Some relate some of this to ruler punishment rather than community responsibility, but it does show how the sins of one can affect many. It was unquestionably community responsibility when Achan trespassed and brought a military defeat on Israel. (Josh. 7:5, 13-21) Wicked men brought destruction upon the entire city of Gibeah, and those who supported Gibeah or merely refrained from helping punish her suffered with her. (Judg. 19:22-30; 20:40; 21:9, 10) Because King Jehoram of Judah deflected from God the nation went wrong and was punished. (2 Chron. 21:11-15) If idolatry started in a city in Israel and corrupted the inhabitants the city was destroyed. And other examples could be given. (Gen. 12:17; 20:9, 17; 26:10; Deut. 13:12-18) Matthew 10:14, 15, 23 shows households or cities that are unreceptive to the message will find judgment day unendurable. The principle applies on a national scale also.

    *** w52 6/1 pp. 346-347 par. 18 Fixing Destinies in This Judgment Period ***

    Some argue that ignorance is an excuse that will gain a resurrection for many of Armageddon’s slain, such as those perishing because of community responsibility. They will cite Paul’s case. That former persecutor said: “I was shown mercy, because I was ignorant and acted with a lack of faith.” But he was shown this mercy during a judgment period, and did not spurn it. He used it to eliminate his ignorance and build up his faith. This show of mercy was also for another reason, to demonstrate divine long-suffering. (1 Tim. 1:12-16, NW) So to say Paul was saved because of his ignorance is wrong. Because he acted in ignorance repentance was possible for him, he had not unforgivably sinned against knowledge or the manifestation of the holy spirit. The world is full of Bibles, in more than 1,125 languages, and a glance at its pages is sufficient to convict the world’s conduct. But the masses of people remain ignorant “according to their wish”. (2 Pet. 3:5, NW) In some past times ignorance was overlooked by God, but it is not so during a judgment period, whether it be the one in Noah’s day, or Lot’s day, or Jesus’ day, or our day, or during the millennium. That is the point Paul was making when he said: “True, God has overlooked the times of such ignorance, yet now he is telling mankind that they should all everywhere repent.” Why? “Because he has set a day in which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth.” (Acts 17:30, 31, NW) As previously stated, that day for most men will be the millennial reign; but others have had or are having their judgment period earlier. Such periods are no time for ignorance, but for repentance.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    At all levels, I think it's an appeal to authority. Most of what they teach isn't based on the Bible and much of it doesn't even make any sense ('overlapping generation'). They certainly can't say, "an uneducated group of janitors living in Brooklyn whose only qualifications are their ability to eat crackers and drink wine tell us..." Instead, they make an appeal to authority, "the governing body says..." or "the Faithful Slave Class instructs us..." Therefore, they don't have to prove that what they're saying is biblical or logical. All they have to do is remind the sheeples, "we're way up here, and you're way down there."

    The authority of DOs and COs doesn't come from any actual qualifications. Their authority comes from being appointed by the GB to their positions as WT/JW clergy. Same with the elders and MS. Many aren't very bright or qualified, but they've been appointed by the GB. So, all these levels realize that they have to idolize the GB in order to maintain their own authority.

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