What has or would motivate you to attend an Ex-JW meet up...

by Tuesday 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Id been struggling alone after they tossed me aside, and wanted to meet others in the same boat who didnt treat me like a freak. Ive met some very nice people, a few who I consider friends and could/would turn to. Never attended a big ex meet-up, but would consider it if it wasnt too far from my home.

    I liked the part when I asked the ex-elder who was sat at my table about to enjoy my lasagne to say a blessing......hahahaha, how we laughed..... eventually........just nice to meet people who can clearly demonstrate that they can be happy, free, posess reasoning, are intelligent, have a sense of humour, a sense of balance, demonstrate kindness, understanding, love, and forgiveness......outside of the organisation.

  • nugget

    I like meeting my friends and sharing our highs and lows. I love making a real conmnection with people I have interacted with on line and having a chance to really talk. I also think when everything is taken from us it helps to meet up and realise that we are not alone, we are not bad people and we can have real friends outside the organisation.

    I would say if you have never been then go.

  • bigmac

    ive been to a few meetups in the last 2 years--met several on this thread---the very idea that any would try to recruit to another religion is laughable.

  • baltar447

    And yet the organizer of the meetup.com group in my metro area IS some cowboy looking bible thumper.

  • talesin

    I would love to meet some of the folks I have met online. Unfortunately, there is no one within 1000 km of me, and no exJWs in my area that are interested in meeting-up. I do have one friend locally that I met through the DB, and we have gotten together a few times.

    All the 'fests so far have been too far away.


  • Lozhasleft

    I'd like to go to a meet up. Ex JWs are the only people in the world who share the same experience religion wise. We can relate to one another in a way others couldn't do. Up to now either the timing/dates or area in the UK haven't worked out for me but hopefully next time......

    Loz x

  • mouthy

    Well I started an exJW group... We had SO many attend from the States ( I am in Canada) In all we had over 700 come at differant times,
    It was wonderful The reason was to help those who had no family left. I advertized in the Paper..".Do you need afriend? Support Group for EX JWS"
    Then A Christian Pastor called who had a program on radio every sunday morning & asked if he could mention it on radio... Of Course.
    James Penton came , Which was Great... Also Roy ,Sybil, m any friends from the States... My age has now allowed me to quit it all, because
    I used to pay a hotel first to hold it, then I had a room big enough in my home. Many Churches offered their church, But I knew that wouldnt be
    any good for newbies... But if you REALLY are wondering about an ex JW group I LOVE the Blue Mountain get together at Pennsylvania
    it will be Oct 5th... I went the first time in 1989.... there was about 300 there it was so wonderful I have gone every year except last year.It takes me
    9 hours to drive there, I have flown & the Blue Mountain will pick you up at the Airport. But SO many WONDERFUL people EX JWS go... Joan Cetner & Bill Cetnar
    started it( they were in Brooklyn Bethel) before they found out the truth was a lie....Bill died a few years ago but Joan carried it on, Now this year Eric Grieshoper And two BOBs!!!!! That were at one time jws ,,,Wonderful folk.... Call Blue Mountain if you want to know more ask when the ExJW convetion is? etc. I promise you ...You will love it... the # is 570-386-2154. or 570 386 2672 Katie Or mark will answer your Questions...

  • Magwitch

    I love meeting up with ex-JW's! A lot of my local friends are x's. In addition to them I have met six people on this forum - love them all. What is amazing is how intelligent everyone of them has been.

  • Paralipomenon

    I've been hesitant to attend any meetups like this it seems they many are sponsored by someone that wants me to convert to being a Jesus freak or something. It can be opportunistic and taking advantage of vulnerable people. I don't need someone trying to convert me.

    If it's an apostafest organized from here, you don't have to worry about being converted.

    I had a blast at the Toronto Apostafest several years ago, some drove up from the states and we had a great time.

  • Tuesday

    This is really cool to hear. So stuff that prevents people from going to meet ups is distance (especially if there's only going to be like 10 people or so), activities: meaning basically there's nothing to do or talk about when you're together, possibility of being spotted by actual Jehovah's Witnesses if you're fading or whatever.... are there any I'm missing?

    Threads like these with all sorts of great data to wrap my head around is the reason I love this forum so much.

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