Higher Education Defined

by lastchance 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lastchance

    In a new letter to all B.O.E., higher education has been defined as any education that leads to a bachelor's degree, or to postgraduate studies for careers in medicine, law, engineering and so forth. THE letter is to be used to determine if an elder, ministerial servant or pioneer still qualify if they or someone in there family, that they care for, is pursuing higher education.

    So getting your associates must be fine then?

  • wannabefree

    To borrow a favorite term of the Watchtower .... that is APPARENTLY correct

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    evidently, 2 years of education isn't enough to teach u they are full of shit.

  • Phizzy

    Yes, I did notice Paul mentioned in the qualifications for Elders etc in his letters to Timothy etc that he listed only ones that did not involve too much critical thinking, in the bit he wrote about Further Ed.

    They might as well drop any pretense of being "Bible based" as another thread showed.

  • wannabefree
  • insearchoftruth

    another couple of twists on the clamps........

  • Lozhasleft

    Their audacity knows no bounds.

    Loz x

  • Sic Semper Tyrannis
    Sic Semper Tyrannis

    It makes perfect sense from their standpoint. A two year technical degree at a Community College is more likely to have online courses and at most keeps you out of the pioneer standings for a couple of years, sometimes less if you go to an online school such as University of Phoenix. Community Colleges have less fraternity there and therefore present less opportunity to mingle with the worldlies. It wouldn't surprise me if they start encouraging online degrees rather than traditional ones. You set your own time to study, and this wouldn't interfere with meeting attendance and field service. After all, it's not that they want don't want you to work a well paying job. Open and educated minds are what they fear the most.

  • Conan The Barbarian
    Conan The Barbarian

    They have historically been against higher education. Going back to the 1960's if you graduated high school and went on to college they wouldn't allow you to "handle the utensils". You were viewed as "inmature", "not spiritual" and potentially a "bad associate", "worldly" and the name calling goes on. However, if you do graduate and have an education in a profession such as Architecture, Engineering, Law, etc; now they want you to volunteer your services to them for free. Sound good to you? They will whip you for going to school to learn something to advance your life as a human, but after you do, they want the benefits of that education for free!

    Where is this place? Oh, quick, sign me up!

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Yep, if you're a witless don't even think about gettin' too edumacated; however, if before you're drawn by jay-hoover you're already a lawyer, doctor or other highly educated individual that we can exploit, I mean use, then come on down!

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