Carrying a gun out in service

by Blind_Of_Lies 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • stapler99

    I can't actually see how this would be unscriptual. The apostles carried swords at some times, and Jesus even said “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one" (Luke 22:36).

  • exwhyzee

    A Witness shows up out of the blue in a remote territory and the paranoid reclusive homeowner answers the door with a gun. The frigntened Witness pulls a gun out of his bookbag and things get serious because the homeowner now feels like the Witness really is a threat after all. He moves to shoot only the Witness fires first and nails the guy fatally. Which one of them will be at fault ? The homeowner who felt threatened by a stranger who in fact was carrying a gun or a gun tote'n stranger who shot a homeowner at his own front door? Would the presence of a second gun have caused a bad situation to escalate beyond what it would have been? It seems to me statistics have shown that the individual who carrys a gun just for protection often winds up as a victim of his own weapon. When he is called upon to use it he is taken by surprise rather than the calculated move his attacker is carrying out.

    That having been said, it would help you feel less vulnerable to at least have something at your disposal to give you an advantage in one of these situations.

  • ssn587

    Most people who carry a chl are very responsible, but you never know when or if you will need a gun, a couple of years ago here, people were shot a book store for crist sakes. so no you never know when one will be needed. you don't have to travel into dangerous territority to be in danger i mean hell at a local book store and people getting shot. Like i said earlier when carrying i carry two, but hope to never have to use them. Hell don't dubs supposedly carry a sword (bible).

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Don't go onto other people's property if you feel the need to take a weapon. Simple innit?

    I often carry a hunting knife, but I don't take one onto other people's property unless I know they are my friends and won't be bothered by it.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    I am a gun owner and have a CHL. I really just enjoy shooting. The only time I ever carry my 1911 .45 is when I'm on a long road tip and/or camping. I have been involved in a couple situations while out in the woods where I was glad I had a gun on me. One involved a human. The other was a bear. In each instance, no rounds were fired, but in the former, I firmly believe it turned the tide of the moment and prevented any actual violence.

    I also do a lot of backcountry fly fishing. When I'm in bear/cougar country, I generally carry a shorty pump 12ga along.

    Never carried one in the Field Ministry.

  • transhuman68
    when I was going onto other people’s property to tell them they were going to die… it wasn’t a far leap lol.

    I had to LOL at that.... you could give the householder two choices- 'the Watchtower or the gun'. Placements would go way up.....

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    I wish I could carry my compound bow out in service, but that's too hard to hide under my trench coat.

    For now I guess I'll just stick to a knife and a cell phone.

  • tornapart

    So glad I live in the UK!!

  • tornapart

    Having said that I think I conveniently forgot about a guy in our cong that was attacked by a psycho with a knife and ended up in hospital, he was lucky not to get killed...

    But it would be impossible to get hold of a gun legally here, and if you were caught with one you'd find yourself in jail for a long time!

  • Violia

    I can see why you felt the need for protection. I would have reported that to the police, even if it was after the fact. The reason is obvious, the guy is nuts and he may attack the next person who comes to his door. It may not just be jws, it could be the Avon lady or girl scout cookies.

    We have a gun but I am fearful of them. I have a weak wrist also. Hubby and I plan to take some shooting lessons to learn how to operate one properly.

    I asked once before but it was long ago, what is the easiest gun to operate that is also small and easily concealed? This would be a gun for a woman and I have a weak wrist. It should be able to fit in a purse easily.

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