1914+100 Years

by Conan The Barbarian 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    This is a great first post CONAN. I agree with you 100% that 2014 is going to be a huge source of cognitive dissonance for JWS. It is not going to go down overnight, but it's going to be a steady decrease after 2014.

  • mP


    at least the millerites changed their name after some im assuming false prophecies under their orighinal name. unfortunately for wts everyone knows about the jw and 1914!

  • Spectre

    They will blame the members for putting too much faith in the 1914 date.

    And people will buy it. "Well....I guess we did. But it doesn't matter because armaggedon is soooooooooo close."

  • Phizzy

    They have had plenty of practise at covering their stupid predictions and their bad interpretation of scripture.

    It is a recognised phenomenon in these cases, where predictions fail, that the movement does NOT lose many members, some yes, but the majority find a way to rationalise it. The scientist who coined the phrase "Cognitive Dissonance" quotes a specific example of this, in his study.

    The WT has prepared with the ridiculous overlapping generation doctrine, and mind-controlling words will appear from now and through 2014 to make the R&F not worry,but celebrate the 100 years, "Just think how close we are now !"

    There can be no doubt that some will wake up though, 100 years and counting makes them a laughingstock.

    Nobody likes to be looked on as a fool to be laughed at, and JW's are well set up for that to happen.

  • Refriedtruth

    I have been born in since late 1950's and 3rd generation my grandad was friends with Rutherford.


  • VM44

    Hi Refriedtruth,

    you wrote:

    "I have been born in since late 1950's and 3rd generation my grandad was friends with Rutherford."

    Do you have any Judge Rutherford stories from your grandad that you could tell us?


  • Jim_TX

    I've read through most of this thread, skimming, for the most part, but I still get the gist of the topic.

    After having a phone call from a JW recently, it has become apparent to me that many (I won't say 'most', but tend to think that it is most) current JWs don't really know the history of the JW organization, and their 'roots'. Many don't care.

    I remember back in the late 60's when we had that thick red 'revelation' book that we used at the Tuesday night meetings. Many folks back then dreaded going through it. Too much doctrine - not enough 'fluff'. I tend to think that nowadays, their literature is mostly fluff - with very little emphasis on doctrine and 1914.

    Add to that the fact that they keep changing things around, which will tend to add confusion to the mix. Plus, you get those that are afraid that if they speak, they will be espousing the 'old light', instead of the 'new light'.

    The bottom line is that you wind up with a lot of people who are content with attending their 'the future is going to be brighter' and 'the new system is right around the corner' meetings.

    Many don't even know how to try to explain 1914 - IF - they even know about it.

    My .02 worth.


    Jim TX

  • Quandry

    Welcome, Conan.

    I am sixty. I have been "out" for a few years now, after spending more than thirty years as a JW. I remember when I got baptised in 1973, the emphasis was on 1975, and I breathed a sigh of relief that my husband and I were "in" just in time, before the "ark door closed." Ha! Yes, at that time, the ones that were at an age of understanding in 1914 would survive, then they changed it to born in 1914. Now, of course, the incomprehensible "overlapping generation" thingy. You have to wonder, just how rediculous can they get before more head for the back door?

    Nope, no thought for the future and retirement, which I am soon facing. Of course, NOW I am saving, but won't have enough, I am sure. I am in college, will be through in one more year (can only go part time-have to work full time).

    Why bother? I won't be able to find a new rewarding career at sixty, but I am determined to finish.

    Stupid cult.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    family members, now long deceased, believed they would not die before Armageddon. Does anyone know how long they say Armageddon will last? Are the remnant never supposed to die? Or is death their transformation into heaven?

    When I was active, there were two clear Witness groups: ones who had been around generations who were battle scarred and skeptical. Most of my parents' friends were faithful in doctrine but could not stomach Bethel and ones who were recent converts who had no perspective on the Society. I can't believe how many doctrines are only clear in my mind from being active here. I was bright. Their theology is full of arcane details that confused.

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